Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)


School of Business

First Advisor

Dr. Paul Shelton, Committee Chair

Second Advisor

Dr. Debby Espinor, Committee Member

Third Advisor

Dr. Chengping Zhang, Committee Member


Retail e-commerce revenue was $904.9 billion in 2022; of this amount, $431.4 billion was realized via smartphone retail shopping apps, which is a 95% increase from 2019, and retail e- commerce is projected to exceed $1.7 trillion by 2027 (Statista, 2023a). Given the increasing popularity of these apps among consumers, management and marketing literature continues to debate what makes consumers accept and adopt retail shopping apps as their preferred online shopping method. Failure to understand what motivates consumers to repeatedly buy household goods via smartphone retail shopping apps may cause retailers to mistarget their customers by allocating scarce resources to lost-case customers or to those who no longer need attention because they are already satisfied and loyal, or the retailer may fail to commit enough resources and attention to indispensable customers who are at risk of defecting due to deteriorating satisfaction. For this quantitative survey-based and cross-sectional study, data were collected from 156 shopping app users, and data analysis was performed using SPSS AMOS 29. The findings showed that consumers care more about the functionality aspect of the shopping app than its aesthetic interface, symbolic social meaning, or online security vulnerability. The study’s findings contribute to the extant literature by identifying the key factors that influence customer value and how these factors drive customer satisfaction with retail shopping apps, which subsequently leads to customer loyalty. Because the retail shopping app landscape is constantly evolving, this study provides a bedrock on which future studies can further explore the interaction among customer value, satisfaction, and loyalty in the e-commerce environment.
