Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Ministry (DMin)



First Advisor

Lori Wagner, PhD

Second Advisor

Lisa Graham McMinn, PhD

Third Advisor

Paul Pastor, MA


The Church has been slowly losing its identity. This loss of identity has a strong connection to the failure of the church to tend and till faith relationships, as well as pass the faith story on to children and others. There has been a loss of emphasis on the table as a place of significance in church, community, and home. To break bread together is to reclaim the spoken story of Jesus’ transfigurational power. The hope for growth in a stronger identity lies in believing in the Truth of a present and powerful Jesus who could transfigure lives, offer forgiveness and hope, and for those who allow him to live his life through them, the power to experience healing, joy, and peace. The Christian faith is the gathering of those anointed by the Holy Spirit and committed to Jesus, the ecclesia, the Church. The early church was a community of ecclesia, a Holy Spirit infused, worshiping community with a strong identity and a certain mission in the world, to proclaim the power and salvation hope of Jesus.
