Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

First Advisor

Debby Espinor

Second Advisor

Sarri Gibson

Third Advisor

Maranda Turner


This phenomenological study embarked on a journey with four Native American females to discover the lifelong and life-wide experiences that led to sustained motivation as evidenced through their extended careers in contemporary educational settings. Limited research exists on Native American-voiced perceptions surrounding issues pertinent to their success. A series of three life interviews afforded meaning-making of key moments, from earliest to current. A Two- Eyed Seeing approach centering Indigenous and Western knowledge systems viewed Indigenous motivation holistically through The First Nations Holistic Lifelong Learning Model, the study’s guiding framework. Influencing elements included teachers, mentors, experiential learning, and learning from self-revelation, appraising experiences with an opportunity to grow mentality. Contextually, family influences included grandmothers, the incompatibility of educational systems, and career motivations centered on equipping and opening doors of opportunity. The Native American females voiced their main “whys” and motivational advice. The Western lens of the Self-Determination Theory evidenced the presence of autonomy, competency, and relatedness on sustained motivation, supporting research on thriving across cultures. Competence was interconnected throughout the study with societal need thwarting also evident. Despite negative influences, the study affirms the resilience of Indigenous individuals. Implications include relevant pedagogy, cultural inclusion of grandparents, incremental growth, and fulfilling the Ancestors’ dreams; societally offering healing and development of generational motivation. Further research includes Native American male career sustained motivation and the deeper influences of the three psychological needs at all levels regarding Indigenous populations.
