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A study of the Scriptures, as well as observing the economic structure of society, reveals that money, or its equivalent in the for.m of material goods, is vital to the life of every individual. The problem of wealth is, and has always been, one of the most important ethical problems of the world. Neither religion nor civilization can evade that problem and live.

Money, the most common of temporal things, can be used for good or for evil, depending upon the desire and wish of the individual who has possession of it. For this reason it involves uncommon and eternal consequences. No wonder, then, that God has given stewardship so important a place in the training of the human race. It is one of the divine kindergarten methods of developing human life. The grace of giving is God's antidote for human selfishness. It has three distinct angles of relation in which to be viewed: upward, in relation to God; inward, in relation to the Individual; outward, in relation to Society.

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