Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Ministry (DMin)



First Advisor

Dottie Escobedo-Frank, DMin

Second Advisor

Kurtley Knight, DMin

Third Advisor

Leonard I. Sweet, PhD


The stories in Scripture are rich in meaning, mood and mystery with messages often concealed from those who would just glide over them with a glancing eye. The art of preaching exhibited in the African American pulpit is complete with theology, struggle, issues, passion, and excitement. This style of sermon presentation is uniquely tied to the many cultures of the West African diaspora into the Americas. This unique style was used in the storytelling of the ancestors and through the struggles of the African in America evolving into the art of black preaching. The purpose of this dissertation is to look at the craft of African American Preaching and pair it with the EPIC preaching model of Dr. Len Sweet. Chapter One begins with the rich history of the African the voyage on the “middle passage,” and the stories told from the shores of West Africa to the shores of North America. Chapter Two provides history into the evolution of African American preaching and the emphasis on story. Chapter Three centers on the building of worship in the African American Church. Chapter Four gives the history of Image in the African American pulpit and where Image is found today. Chapter Five focuses on the components black preaching and how preachers have used the elements of EPIC worship in sermonic presentations and this student’s reflections of the preaching styles of contemporary scholars who are master preachers in the art of African American preaching. Chapter Six includes an overview of the new EPIC preaching model as presented by Dr. Len Sweet. Chapter Seven focuses on the idea of combining the elements of the new EPIC worship style of preaching with the traditions of the African American style of worship further discovering the implication that the two styles may ix have on modern congregants. Concluding, the idea of blending the two worship styles, Chapter 8 includes expression of this student and members of Calvary Christian Church as we reflect on the EPIC worship Services attended during this dissertation program.

Included in

Christianity Commons
