Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Ministry (DMin)



First Advisor

Kurtley Knight, DMin

Second Advisor

David McDonald, DMin


This dissertation addresses the renewal of missional imagination in an Adventist church context. This study will make the case that even among members who loyally participate in their local church, many Adventists in North America are conflicted about their witness, leading to ineffective evangelism and disengagement with the mission of the church. Much of this is related to a theological disconnect with exclusive positions the church has embraced regarding its identity as the remnant church. This identity is largely derived from the church’s founding document, the Book of Revelation. How then can local Adventist churches in North America reignite members with evangelistic fervor within their current theological framework? This study will suggest that a narrative approach to teaching the Book of Revelation can renew missional imagination in these churches.

Remnant identity is embedded in Adventist theology and polity, but the membership’s complicated relationship with this identity creates a detrimental impact on missional imagination. Renewing this identity calls for a fresh engagement with Scripture as an unfolding redemptive drama, particularly the narrative of Revelation. The groundwork for such an engagement is already being laid by Adventist scholars, including challenges to the church’s traditional approach to interpreting Revelation. But it must be fully applied to address the historical development of a distinct, separatist Adventist theology and the policy that now supports this view. Though the challenges are significant, narrative demonstrates incredible potential in shaping identity and renewing imagination. Immersing the local church in this narrative can lead to missional renewal and a revived witness among contemporary Adventists.
