"An Exploratory Study of the Role of Values in Microeconomic Decision-M" by Holly A. Bell

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)


School of Business


This research is designed to test the role reflecting on and sharing values plays in our individual decision-making schemas in a group. The research is based on evidence from the literature that values play a role in economic decision-making, can be formed and utilized either consciously or unconsciously, and impact microeconomic decision-making and ethics in organizations. The study found that when decision considerations were reframed in a values context the decision-making process became more quasi-rational, but the decisions participants made were as good or better than they were before values were introduced. In some cases decision-makers became less interested in personal considerations after decisions were framed in a values context. This is an important finding because traditional models of economic decision-making assume the decision-making process is always rational and decision-makers are always self-interested. There may also be some relationship between utilizing values and improved ethical decision-making for women within small groups with relatively strong relationships in a community.

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