"A study of how teachers show love in the classroom" by Mary Dennis

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


School of Education


There has been little research on how teachers show love in the classroom. This study investigated how five classroom teachers defined love as it pertained to their profession and how they showed love to their students. Through a series of interviews, observations and the collection of artifacts, the research showed that all the participating teachers exhibit love to their students and they speak about the importance of providing this to the children daily in their class. The literature revealed that teachers relate to their students in five areas; caring, enthusiasm, fairness and respect, the student/teacher relationship, and their attitude towards their job. The study revealed that the participant teachers love in many more ways than had been explored previously. Each teacher explained that in order to be an effective instructor, love would need to be present in the classroom and that without it, students would most likely do poorly.

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