"Preparing school administrators: an exploratory study of how the Educa" by Doris Springer Vickery

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


School of Education


This qualitative study explored school administration preparation through the use of personal interviews and survey results from Oregon school administrators. The researcher interviewed five second-year principals in order to better understand students' perceived leadership preparation for the role of school principal. The Educational Leadership Constituent Council Building-level Standards (ELCC), adopted by the state of Oregon for administrative training, were used as a guide to analyze the content of the interviews and surveys. Findings include four themes: professional development, time in classrooms, school vision with collaboration, and effective school management. There was also strong alignment between the four themes and the results of the most recent survey. The perceived leadership preparation was positive participants self-reported that the administrative preparation program benefited their leadership ability. Recommendations for future studies include exploring Continuing Administrator License programs for similar alignment with standards, district level support for new principals, and the effectiveness of instructional leadership for improved student learning.

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