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The time is now
The new superintendent of Ohio Yearly Meeting believes the time has come for action in the Evangelical Friends Alliance. Page 2
Opportunities of summertime
"Instead of giving up to the 'inevitable' summer slump, why not provide an appealing program ... for reaching whole families for Christ?" Page 5
A new breed of Queries
An ad hoc committee of Friends University students brings some thought-provoking new queries for Friends. Page 7
Missionary Voice
'Where have those people gone?' 9
Time out ... 10
Impetus on Christian education 11
Foreign missionary motivation survey 11
Regular Features
The Face of the World 4
Science and Christian Thought 6
Over the Teacup 6
Friends Write 12
The Children's Page 13
Reach and Teach 14
Books 15
Northwest Supplement
Ohio Supplement
This content is historical in nature. It reflects views of a certain time period and does not necessarily reflect the current or past views of George Fox University. Learn more about GFU’s current vision, mission, and values by visiting the following site:
Publication Date
Recommended Citation
Evangelical Friends Alliance, "Evangelical Friend, July 1969 (Vol. 2, No. 11)" (1969). Evangelical Friend. 132.