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What of the night?
"History is being written and .. . prophecies are being unfolded . .. " Page 5

A churchmouse views children's church
Frustrated Charlie would have given his last chunk of cheese to tell what he saw at Hopedale. Page 6

Union Biblical Seminary at Yeotmal, India
Twenty-eight groups work together to reach the nation's spiritual heart. Page 8

The mission in Rough Rock, Arizona
Rocky Mountain Yearly Meeting missionaries work with what was once the "vanishing American." Page 10

Colemans report on India relief
Ohio missionaries Milton and Rebecca Coleman join in famine relief program. Page 11

Morale is high in Omaha
Friends in the EF A join together in building a church at the growing edge of Omaha. Page 12

Quality education in the small church
"If we are to have quality Christian education it must be a total church affair." Page 14

Leadership conference perspective
Friends Youth from 13 states share ideas at leadership conference in Iowa. Page 16

Future of Christian education
"The church of tomorrow is shaped in the Sunday schools of today." Page 18

Youth Ambassadors
Collegians are being challenged to volunteer service for local church extension. Page 19

Regular features
The Face of the World 4
The Children's Page 14
Over the Teacup 21
Books 22


Rocky Mountain Supplement
Southwest Supplement

Ohio Supplement
Northwest Supplement


This content is historical in nature. It reflects views of a certain time period and does not necessarily reflect the current or past views of George Fox University. Learn more about GFU’s current vision, mission, and values by visiting the following site:

Publication Date


Evangelical Friend, October 1967 (Vol. 1, No. 2)
