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Good News for Thirsty Friends. By Robert Hess, page 2
The Scriptures are more than just reading material; they are to be experienced.

A Biblical View of Biblical Inspiration. By Earl Perisho, page 6
Are we listening to the things the Bible says about authority?

Evangelical Friends and the Richmond Declaration. By Richard Sartwell, page 8
At our present time of change and diversification, can we honestly adopt the declaration of faith prepared one hundred years ago? Have we made accommodations to our culture?

Hearing Christ's Voice Together. By Ellis Hein, page 11
Do we assume God will only speak to us individually or do we expect to hear God's voice corporately?

We Can Do Something about Violence in the Middle East. By Daniel L. Smith, page 14
Is our view of prophecy oriented toward vengeance? How are Christian Arabs treated by Jews? There are ways to become better informed and actions that will assist justice and peace.

Regular Features
Speaking the Truth, 4
Out of the Silence, 10
Friends Write, 12
A Certain Shart of Light, 16
What About Our Friends, 18


This content is historical in nature. It reflects views of a certain time period and does not necessarily reflect the current or past views of George Fox University. Learn more about GFU’s current vision, mission, and values by visiting the following site:

Publication Date


Evangelical Friend, April 1987 (Vol. 20, No. 8)
