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Contrasts: Christian & cultural
Editor Jack Willcuts portrays the contrasts of Aymaraland and America as he returns from a South American ministry. Page 5
'Game plan for the fourth quarter'
Newberg, Oregon is the place! July 23-27 the dates! And the General Conference of the EFA is the event. Page 7
What's growin' on?
"Husbands, we need to dare to love our wives ... to follow directly Christ's example ... regardless of the personal cost." Page 8
Friends missions worldwide
Russell Myers proposes that all EFA missionary work be brought under one administrative and supportive umbrella. Page 10
But it isn't Bible study
After setting five scenes that are not Bible study, Professor Bernard Ramm suggests some real Bible study principles. Page 12
Missionary Voice
Are Christians persecuted today? - Satan is alive in Aymaraland 16
The coming tribulation 16
Pray for Christians in India's newest state 17
Samson Huri Lall, beloved witness for Christ 18
Adult Bible School at Rough Rock 18
What's New!
The love of two college students for a lonely, restless Sunday school boy took time but reaped blessing in the hour of tragedy. Page 21
God's healing of the brokenhearted
"We are not alone in our struggles ... for God uses the brokenhearted to help others whose hearts are breaking." Page 30
Regular Features
The Face of the World 4
Books 19
The Children's Page 20
Friends Concerns 23
Friends Gather 26
Friends Record 29
Over the Teacup 29
Friends Write 31
News of Friends 31
This content is historical in nature. It reflects views of a certain time period and does not necessarily reflect the current or past views of George Fox University. Learn more about GFU’s current vision, mission, and values by visiting the following site:
Publication Date
Recommended Citation
Evangelical Friends Alliance, "Evangelical Friend, May 1975 (Vol. 8, No. 9)" (1975). Evangelical Friend. 67.