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Spiritual highs and spiritual lows
Editor Jack Willcuts calls for a winsome, quiet, optimistic faith to meet discouraging problems in the church. Page 5

To walk as He walked
A 1974 high school graduate tells how God led him to decline a Naval Academy appointment while planning his education. Page 6

Praying down the will of God
"The church must learn by agreement and by prayer how to release God to do on earth what He wants to do." Page 8

Considering the pastoral ministry?
A successful young Ohio pastor suggests a threefold foundation upon which a pastor equip himself in today' s world. Page 10

Free in Christ Jesus
"We are all called unto holiness. We are all called unto obedience. We are not called to act like somebody else." Page 11

Missionary Voice
Mexican campers 13
Transformed 14
Simon Sodiya - from workman to pastor 15
We meet once again 16

What's New!
EFA's Christian Education Commission reports results and progress in its Sunday School Enlargement Campaign - Phase I. Page 17

More than just a garden
A common plaque in a simple garden was enough to bring strength, confidence, and peace in this person's life crisis. Page 18

Regular Features
The Face of the World 4
Pastor's Corner 12
News of Friends 16
The Children's Page 19
Friends Concerns 20
Friends Gather 23
Friends Record 25
Friends Write 26
Over the Teacup 27
Books 27


This content is historical in nature. It reflects views of a certain time period and does not necessarily reflect the current or past views of George Fox University. Learn more about GFU’s current vision, mission, and values by visiting the following site:

Publication Date


Evangelical Friend, November 1974 (Vol. 8, No. 3)
