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The peace of Jerusalem,
A switch in the meeting. Page 5

Quakerism ... other philosophies and religions
"We must make a choice as to whether our loyalty is to Christ or to some other philosophical or religious system." Page 6

Another view of small groups
"Our faith in men cannot be the reference point from which we build our relationships." Page 10

The team ministry, an acceptable concept
Milo C. Ross, in the first of a two-part article, testifies to his thrill at being part of a successful "team ministry." Page 11

Missionary Voice
Kelly's Kar Klinic 14
The youth(?) have a ball! 14
Mexican praise and prayer notes 15
The completion of a team 16

Christmas decorations
What's new? An Ohio church has a unique way of involving everyone in the true meaning of Christmas. Page 19

Regular Features
Friends Write 2
Over the Teacup 2
The Face of the World 4
The Children's Page 18
Friends Concerns 20
Friends Gather 23
Friends Record 26
Books 27


This content is historical in nature. It reflects views of a certain time period and does not necessarily reflect the current or past views of George Fox University. Learn more about GFU’s current vision, mission, and values by visiting the following site:

Publication Date


Evangelical Friend, November 1973 (Vol. 7, No. 3)
