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The George Fox Press comes of age
As the George Fox Press becomes an agency of the EFA Christian Education Commission, a new phase of this ministry begins. Page 2

Resurrection opinion poll
"Christianity is the consequence of what happened on Calvary, not on what people thought then or now about it." Page 5

Thoughts on Easter
Through a series of poems on Easter, Charles E. Guscott reaches the conviction that costly love epitomizes the Christian life. Page 6

Fit to quit
Getting involved in real human needs, learning to praise God and to rest in Him could be solutions to that "tiredfeeling." Page 8

Missionary Voice
The Holy Spirit works through a chain of events 11
The Dineh 12
Junior camp for a day 13
News notes from the fields 13
Meet your missionaries 14

Released for ministry
In despair, in frustration, when hopes in all men vanish, man can find in the stability of God's presence a release for ministry. Page 15

Concerns with many sides
"Will the real Quaker please stand up?" Two young men express views on the current importance of our Quaker heritage. Page 16

What's New!
Students at Westmont College of Santa Barbara, California, initiate an innovative ministry to youth: Sidewalk Sunday Schools. Page 26

Regular Features
The Face of the World 4
The Children's Page 18
Friends Concerns 20
Friends Gather 23
Books 27
Over the Teacup 27


This content is historical in nature. It reflects views of a certain time period and does not necessarily reflect the current or past views of George Fox University. Learn more about GFU’s current vision, mission, and values by visiting the following site:

Publication Date


Evangelical Friend, April 1973 (Vol. 6, No. 8)
