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How wide is our fellowship?
Ecumenism or a super church are not answers, but what about a wider fellowship of those of" like precious faith"? Page 5

Let Russian Christians speak
Malone College Professor Roger Wood shares recorded Christmastime conversations with Russian Christians. Page 6

Going and giving graciously
Evangelical Friends take significant roles in the London Conference on Mission and Service sponsored by the FWCC. Page 8

When Jesus prayed
Fresh light on the place and importance of prayer comes from the life of Jesus and His "hours" of prayer. Page 10

Missionary Voice
A 'Christian' funeral-what is different about it? 12
Quaker ladies retreat in order to advance 14
News notes from the fields 14

'And then some'
Plaudits go to a Christian education worker in Cleveland who has set an example of ''first things first." Page 15

Concerns with many sides
The second of our series pertains to a timely subject - the payment of taxes for military budgets. Page 16

Regular Features
Friends Write 21
The Face of the World 41
Over the Teacup 17
News of Friends 17
The Children's Page 18
Friends Concerns 19
Friends Gather 23
Books 26


This content is historical in nature. It reflects views of a certain time period and does not necessarily reflect the current or past views of George Fox University. Learn more about GFU’s current vision, mission, and values by visiting the following site:

Publication Date


Evangelical Friend, March 1973 (Vol. 6, No. 7)
