Employed Parents of Children With Mental Health Disorders: Achieving Work–Family Fit, Flexibility, and Role Quality

Eileen M. Brennan
Julie M. Rosenzweig
A. Myrth Ogilvie
Leslie Wuest, George Fox University
Ann A. Shindo

Originally published at http://alliance1.metapress.com/content/122779/?sortorder=asc


Extensive interviews with 60 employed parents of school-age children treated for mental health problems explored work-family fit, flexibility, family support, and work-life strategies in relation to role quality. Role quality was measured as employment and parenting rewards and concerns. Work-family fit was positively related to family flexibility but not work flexibility. Higher flexibility in work and family predicted lower job concerns, and work flexibility and work-family fit were predictors of job rewards. Parental concerns were dependent on flexibility and work-family strategies. Single parents had significantly fewer sources of family support and used fewer work-family strategies than caregivers with partners. Human services providers should collaborate with families by jointly exploring new flexibility and support strategies in work and family domains.