"Beyond Personality: Recollections of C.S. Lewis" by Grayson Carter


On December 14, 1988 Beyond Personality: Recollections of C. S. Lewis was broadcast in Britain over BBC Radio Four. Unlike many other works of reminiscences of C. S. Lewis, the comments that appear therein are not always complimentary (or uncritical) of their subject. In part, this reflects Lewis’ somewhat mixed reputation in England, where academic theologians often remain skeptical of his attempts to communicate religious truth and where literary critics often view his opinions on poetry and literature as anachronistic. In part, this may also reflect the nature of a radio program such as this, in which lengthy commentary is often reduced in the cutting-room to mere sound bites. Thus, some of the comments in this program may appear out of context or in need of further elucidation, or of reflecting more about the views and personality of the speaker than those of Lewis himself. Still, Beyond Personality remains a stimulating and valuable glimpse into the life and nature of one of the twentieth century’s literary and theological giants whose influence has truly helped shape the world.

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