"C.S. Lewis on Scripture and the Christ, the World of God: Convergence " by P. H. Brazier


The aim of this paper is to explore a fundamental convergence between Lewis and Barth in their understanding of the w/Word of God, or the ground of their respective doctrines of Scripture. Lewis, like Barth, distinguished between the word of God (Scripture) and the Word of God (Christ). Each asks and answers the question: What is the relationship between Scripture and Christ? This work will also explore the priority of the Word above all else, including the church and the Bible: as Lewis commented, “We have no abiding city even in philosophy: all passes except the Word.” Finally, it will illustrate that Lewis’ understanding of the w/Word of God is more cogent and displays a more logical procession than (and thereby relates to God’s revelation in a manner that is superior to) Barth’s.
