"Adventures in churchland: discovering the beautiful mess Jesus loves" by Dan Kimball

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Ministry (DMin)




A growing number of young adults (those in the 18-30-year-old age range) are not
engaging, becoming involved or entering into the church of America. An increasing
number of those who grew up attending church are leaving after their high school years.
I have observed this as a pattern when visiting churches and talking to church
leaders across America. Statistics are showing this as seen in studies such as Dave Kin-
naman’s research and writings from the Barna Research group and Ed Stetzer’s research
from LifeWay Christian Resources. This is a very significant problem because if the
church loses connection with new generations, there will be drastic impact on the future
church and her mission in the world.
Solutions are discovered when churches awaken to this problem and re-educate
this generation (as well as some church leaders) as to what “church” is, theologically and
practically, in the lives of its members. They need to understand that they can make
change in the church without abandoning it or their faith. Apologetic training is needed to
help them think through the cultural issues of today, which can be confusing and even
pull the 18-30 year olds away from orthodox Christianity.

The project, which is being published by Zondervan Publishing, is directed to-
ward those in that age range. It gives a biblical understanding of “church” and their role
in it. It encourages readers to be part of solving the problem rather than abandoning their
faith or the church. The project will create hope for the future church on mission in our world. Specific insights to some of the tougher questions this generation wrestles with are
also part of this project.

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Christianity Commons
