"Promoting Missionary Mutual Care Through Spiritual Community" by David L. Shepherd

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Ministry (DMin)



First Advisor

Dr. Jared Roth

Second Advisor

Dr. Roger Nam


Personal struggle and the stressors that catalyze them are inevitable in missionary life. When overly focusing on ministry and enculturation demands, cross-culturally based Christian workers can often neglect intra and inter-personal spiritual formation. The result of such neglect is a lack of purpose, vitality, endurance and effectiveness, and in some cases, the missionary leaves the field altogether. For missionaries to thrive and succeed requires that they place a high priority on mutual and intentional care. Therefore, I will explore the necessity and means of cultivating spiritual community among on-thefield missionaries for their mutual care and development. Chapter 1 introduces the problem and rationale for the study with definitions of key terms used throughout the study. Chapter 2 reviews the literature regarding the problem, context, solutions and mutual care among missionaries. Chapter 3 examines a theological and biblical basis for spiritual community through Trinitarian theology as an important theological framework from which to view present day mission communities. Chapter 4 explores church history, comparing and contrasting monasticism with modern day missions, and drawing observations from various models that can apply to cultivating spiritual community in today’s mission context. Chapter 5 offers a model for a spiritually forming community for cross-cultural missionaries. Chapter 6 concludes by offering recommendations for further study and a brief curriculum.

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Christianity Commons
