Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Ministry (DMin)



First Advisor

Faith Ngunjiri

Second Advisor

Randy Woodley

Third Advisor

Brent Weaver


This writing argues that the arts go beyond dialogue to affect and enhance interfaith peacebuilding, understanding, and cooperation. My research focuses on the three Abrahamic Faiths, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, with an in-depth analysis of music and peacebuilding amidst Jews and Arabs in Israel. Specifically, I discuss the use of music as a bridge of understanding between cultures and share examples of other types of art as well. This research also adds to the limited amount of theory, analysis, and writing in the subject area of peacebuilding and the arts. Section One introduces the terms and ideas surrounding the topics of interfaith, peacebuilding, identity, diversity, pluralism, and unity. Section Two includes a literature review conducted in this area of study. I also share art and interviews from artists who create peacebuilding art and music. In Section Three, I describe the qualitative research method “Portraiture” and how I used it as a framework for my fieldwork during summer 2013 in Israel. Images and information from Jewish and Arab artists, musicians, and activists serve as visual references in this section. Section Four includes a historical theological perspective of interfaith peacebuilding. I analyze the theology of Nicholas of Cusa (1401-1463), whose writings explore a medieval understanding of interfaith peacebuilding and cooperation. Specifically, I focus on his ideas surrounding concepts of God, interreligious relationships, and music. In Section Five, I describe my musical artifact and how my fieldwork and research are expressed in this artifact. Section Six includes details of the songwriting, production, and overall process involved in the creation of my artifact. Finally, Section Seven, includes information on further areas for research and offers my concluding thoughts and reflections.

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