"Development of a management practicum in a clinical psychology progra" by Clark D. Campbell, William C. Buhrow et al.

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Some clinical psychology programs are developing training in management in response to both the recognition that management is a major professional role for many psychologists (Clements, Rickard, & Kleinot, 1986) and the National Council of Schools of Professional Psychology’s (NCSPP) inclusion of “supervision and management” as one of six competency areas for the core curriculum in professional psychology (Peterson, R. L., McHolland, J. D., Bent, R. J., Davis-Russell, E., Edwall, G. E., Polite, K., Singer, D. L., & Stricker, G., 1991). At the Graduate School of Clinical Psychology at George Fox University (Newberg, OR), we developed a management practicum to facilitate specific and advanced training of selected doctoral students in this competency area. In this article, we compare and contrast our program with the one developed at West Virginia University (WVU), described in a previous article in this journal.


Previously published in Professional Psychology: Research and Practice (http://www.apa.org/pubs/journals/pro/index.aspx) This article may not exactly replicate the final version published in the APA journal. It is not the copy of record.
