Faculty Publications from 2024
Integrating Christian Beliefs and Scientific Psychology: Honoring John Carter, Rodger K. Bufford
The Spiritual Well-Being Scale (SWBS) as an indicator of General Well-Being, Rodger K. Bufford, Jessica Cantely, Jaycee Hallford, Yadira Vega, and Jessica Wilbur
Values and Personality Traits as Predictors of Religiosity, Benjamin Hanks, Rodger K. Bufford, Cameron Stumpf, and James Conway
Faculty Publications from 2023
Dynamic Risk as a Predictive of Sexual Offense Treatment Outcomes, Kaylee Bartnes MA, Jessica Cantley MS, Jaycee Hallford MS, Cameron Stumpf MA, Nicholas Rodgers MA, and Rodger K. Bufford
Dynamic Risk as a Predictive of Sexual Offense Treatment, Kaylee Bartnes MA, Jessica Cantley MS, Jaycee Hallford MS, Cameron Stumpf MA, Nicholas Rogers MA, and Rodger K. Bufford
Relative Impact of Human & Natural Trauma on Psychological Functioning, Javeen Beard PsyD, Rodger K. Bufford, Kenneth Logan PsyD, and Aundrea Paxton PsyD
Measuring Spiritual Well-Being In International Contexts, Rodger K. Bufford and Raymond F. Paloutzian
Spiritual Well-Being Scale (SWBS): Measuring Spiritual Well-being in International Contexts, Rodger K. Bufford and Raymond F. Paloutzian
Personality Predictors of Sexual Offense Treatment Completion, Jessica Cantley MS, Kaylee Bartnes MA, Jaycee Hallford MS, B. Cameron Stumpf MA, Nicholas Rodgers MA, and Rodger K. Bufford
Racial Healing in the Church: The Usefulness of the Interpersonal Process in Therapy Model, Winston Seegobin
Personal Disclosure: Supervision’s Goals Reflected in Trainee Experience, Aaron Strusser M.A., Kathleen A. Gathercoal Ph.D., Rodger K. Bufford, and Mary Peterson Ph.D.
Relationships Between Burnout, Isolation, Secondary Trauma, and Self-Compassion in Mental Health Providers, Michael Underiner, Rodger K. Bufford, Mary Peterson, and Daniel Rodriquez
Relationships Between Burnout, Isolation, Secondary Trauma, and Self-Compassion in Mental Health Providers, Michael Underiner PsyD, Rodger K. Bufford, Mary Peterson PhD, and Daniel Rodriquez PsyD
Faculty Publications from 2022
Psychological and Spiritual Factors Affecting Well-Being Among Military Personnel Engaged in Remote Combat, Rodger K. Bufford
Growing in Grace, Rodger K. Bufford, Kenneth Logan, Michael Vogel, and Marshal George
Learning Integration: Knowledge Outcomes of a Course Integrating Psychology and Christian Beliefs, Rodger K. Bufford, Robert Wingerter, and Whitney Standal Schollars
A Time for Wisdom (Introduction), Mark R. McMinn
Exploring Vestibular/Ocular and Cognitive Dysfunction as Prognostic Factors for Protracted Recovery in Sports-Related Concussion Patients Aged 8 to 12 Years, August Price, Gregory Knell, Todd Caze, John Abt, Dustin Loveland, and Scott Burkhart
Comparison of Prescribed Physical Therapy to a Home Exercise Program for Pediatric Sports-Related Concussion Patients, August M. Price, Nicholas Arvin, Benjamin Seagraves, Scott O. Burkhart, and Gregory Knell
Faculty Publications from 2021
Dimensions of Grace Scale: Concurrent Validation, Rodger K. Bufford, Javeen Beard, Melissa Flores, Lindsay Price, and Adam Hodge
Considering Religious Mediators & Moderators of the Dimensions of Grace Scale, Rodger K. Bufford and Kenneth Logan
Need to Clarify Mechanisms Explaining the Effect of Screen Time on Recovery From Concussion, Scott O. Burkhart
Machine Learning to Predict Sports-related Concussion Recovery Using Clinical Data, Yan Chu, Gregory Knell, Riley P. Brayton, Scott O. Burkhart, Xiaoqian Jiang, and Shayan Shams
Poster: Validity of Anxiety and Depression Scales Created from the NCHA-II, Matthew J. Ditty, William Buhrow, Rodger K. Bufford, and Joel Gregor
Evaluation Of The Vestibular And Ocular Motor Screening (Voms) As A Prognostic Tool For Protracted Recovery Following Paediatric Sportsrelated Concussion, Gregory Knell, Todd Caze, and Scott Burkhart
Poster: The Relationship between Grace and Self-Compassion, Lindsay Price, Melissa Flores, Javeen Beard, and Rodger K. Bufford
Faculty Publications from 2020
Attitudes of Religious Leaders Toward Integrating Psychology and Church Ministry, Adam S. Hodge, Joshua N. Hook, Don E. Davis, and Mark R. McMinn
Experiencing Grace: A Review of the Empirical Literature, Adam S. Hodge, Joshua N. Hook, Don E. Davis, Daryl R. Van Tongeren, Rodger K. Bufford, Rodney L. Bassett, and Mark R. McMinn
Association Between Concussion History and Factors Relating to Cognitive, Behavioral, and Emotional Health Among American High School Athletes: A Cross-sectional Analysis, Gregory Knell, Scott O. Burkhart, Todd J. Caze, John D. Polousky, Harold W. Kohl, and Sarah E. Messiah
Microhemorrhages in Professional Motocross Athletes: A Case Series, Brianna Millsaps, Philip R. Worts, David C. Berg, and Scott O. Burkhart
Faculty Publications from 2019
Metacognitive Changes in Individuals with Severe Mental Disorders in Response to Psychoanalytic Therapy, David W. Neal PsyD, Rodger K. Bufford, Marylin Charles PhD, and Nancy Thurston
A Physiologically Based Approach to Prescribing Exercise Following a Sport‑Related Concussion, Phillip R. Worts, Scott O. Burkhart, and Jeong-Su Kim
Faculty Publications from 2018
Poster: Interpreting YSQ-S3 scores in a US Sample, Rodger K. Bufford
Poster: Nonverbal Cognitive Assessment for Special-Needs or Non-English ADHD or LD Cases, Rodger K. Bufford, Laurie Meguro, Tricha Weeks, William Summers, and Gale Roid
Adversity, Grace, and Distress Among College Students, Rodger K. Bufford and Albert Pace
Spiritual Formation in the Graduate School of Clinical Psychology at George Fox University, Rodger K. Bufford, Nancy S. Thurston, Kathleen Gathercoal, Marie-Christine Goodworth, and Lynn H. Holt
Changing Behavior and Renewing the Brain: A Study of College Students, Mark Maddix and Glena Andrews
Assessing Adult Attachment: Relation and Validity of two Dynamic- Maturational Model Approaches, Albert L. Pace and Rodger K. Bufford
Assessing Adult Attachment: Relation and Validity of two Dynamic- Maturational Model Approaches, Albert L. Pace and Rodger K. Bufford
Comparison of baseline ImPACT performance in amateur motocross riders to football and basketball athletes, Natalie K. Sandel, Phillip R. Worts, Scott O. Burkhart, and Luke Henry
Sexual Communication, Sexual Satisfaction, and Relationship Quality in People With Multiple Sclerosis, Abbey K. Valvano, Michael J. D. Rollock, William H. Hudson, and Marie-Christine Goodworth
Test Performance and Test-Retest Reliability of the Vestibular/Ocular Motor Screening and King-Devick Test in Adolescent Athletes During a Competitive Sport Season, Phillip R. Worts, Philip Schatz, and Scott O. Burkhart
Faculty Publications from 2017
Religious Coping and Spiritual Struggle Among Emergency Room Patients With Suicidal Intent, Rosanna J. S. Bailey, Mark R. McMinn, Mary A. Peterson, and Kathleen Gathercoal
The Effects of Grace Interventions in Church Communities, Rodger K. Bufford, Mark R. McMinn, Jeff A. Moody, and Laura Geczy-Haskins
Longitudinal Analyses of the Sexual and Reproductive Health Knowledge and Parent-Adolescent Communication of At-Risk Adolescents, Courage Chikomborero Mudzongo
Longitudinal Analysis of the Sexual and Reproductive Health Knowledge and Parent-Adolescent Communication of At-Risk Adolescents, Courage Chikomborero Mudzongo
Primary Care, Health-Behavior Groups, Carilyn Ellis
Nurturing Constructive Change that Works: a Critical Theory-Informed Model for Transforming Health Service Psychologists' Views of People with Disabilities, Roy O. Gathercoal, Kathleen Gathercoal, Winston Seegobin, and Sarah Hadley
Introduction to The Science of Virtue, Why Positive Psychology Matters to the Church, Mark R. McMinn
Wisdom, Chapter 1 of The Science of Virtue: Why Positive Psychology Matters to the Church, Mark R. McMinn
Forgiveness, Chapter 2 of The Science of Virtue: Why Positive Psychology Matters to the Church, Mark R. McMinn
Integrated Care in Rural Health: Seeking Sustainability, Mary A. Peterson, Jeri Turgesen, Laura Fisk, and Seamus McCarthy
A Gratitude Intervention in a Christian Church Community, Jens Uhder, Mark R. McMinn, Rodger K. Bufford, and Kathleen Gathercoal
Faculty Publications from 2016
Assessing Symptoms in Adolescents Following Sport-Related Concussion: A Comparison of Four Different Approaches, R. J. Elbin, Jordan Knox, Nathan Kegel, Philip Schatz, Harrison B. Lowder, Jonathan French, Scott Burkhart, Michael W. Collins, and Anthony P. Kontos
Removal From Play After Concussion and Recovery Time, R.J. Elbin, Alicia Sufrinko, Philip Schatz, Jon French, Luke Henry, Scott Burkhart, Michael W. Collins, and Anthony P. Kontos
Perceptions of Caregiver Distress, Health Behaviors, and Provider Health-Promoting Communication and their Relationship to Stress Management in MS Caregivers, Lauren Penwell-Waines, Marie-Christine Goodworth, Rhonda S. Casillas, and Lara Stepleman
Variables Associated with Patient Activation in Persons with Multiple Sclerosis, Marie-Christine Rutter Goodworth, Lara Stepleman, Judith Hibbard, Lisa Johns, Dustin Wright, Mary D. Hughes, and Mitzi J. Williams
Barriers and Facilitators of Adolescent Health in Rural Kenya, Molly Secor-Turner, Brandy A. Randall, and Courage Chikomborero Mudzongo
Ethics and Multicultural Contexts: Understandings and Applications, Winston Seegobin, Sally Canning, and Rodger K. Bufford
Physician–Patient Communication About Sexual Functioning in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis, Lara M. Stepleman, Eliot J. Lopez, Lauren A. Stutts, William H. Hudson, Marie-Christine Goodworth, and Rebecca Han
Faculty Publications from 2015
Dimensions of Grace, Rodger K. Bufford
Encountering Grace, Rodger K. Bufford
Preliminary Analyses of Three Measures of Grace: Can They be Unified?, Rodger K. Bufford, Amanda M. Blackburn, Timothy A. Sisemore, and Rodney L. Bassett
Sexual Interdependence Theory (SIT)/Sexual Progression Approach (SPA), Rodger K. Bufford, Albert Pace, and Brett Copeland
Social Emotional Learning in a Guatemalan Preschool Sample: Does Socioeconomic Status Moderate the Effects of a School-Based Prevention Program?, Leihua Edstrom, Heather A. Mildon, Lesliann Davila, and Amanda B. Clinton
Traumatic axonal injury and persistent emotional lability in an adolescent following moderate traumatic brain injury: A case study, Luke C. Henry, Scott O. Burkhart, R. J. Elbin, Vikus Agarwal, and Anthony P. Kontos
A Longitudinal Study Evaluating the Effects of Interferon-Alpha Therapy on Cognitive and Psychiatric Function in Adults with Chronic Hepatitis C, Marilyn Huckans, Bret Fuller, Viva Wheaton, Sarah Jaehnert, Carilyn Ellis, Michael Kolessar, Daniel Kriz, Jeanne Renee Anderson, Kristin Berggren, Hannah Olavarria, Anna W. Sasaki, Michael Chang, Kenneth D. Flora, and Jennifer M. Loftis
The Benefits of a Grief and Loss Program With a Unique Technological Intervention, Carolyn McGurl, Winston Seegobin, Elizabeth Hamilton, and Mark R. McMinn
Studying Wisdom: Toward a Christian Integrative Perspective, Paul McLaughlin and Mark R. McMinn
Religious and Spiritual Diversity Training in Clinical Psychology Doctoral Programs: Do Explicitly Christian Programs Differ from Other Programs?, Mark R. McMinn, Michael J. Vogel, M Elizabeth Hall, Alexis D. Abernethy, Ryan Birch, Timofey Galuza, Jacqi Rodriguez, and Kathryn Putman
Faculty Publications from 2014
Teaching Christian Faith Integration in Psychological Assessment Courses, Wayne Adams, Mark R. McMinn, and Nancy S. Thurston
Healing Thyself: What Barriers Do Psychologists Face When Considering Personal Psychotherapy and How Can They Be Overcome?, Jennifer L. Bearse, Mark R. McMinn, Winston Seegobin, and Kurt Free
Measuring Grace, Rodger K. Bufford
Notes From the Field: Delivering Trauma and Disaster Mental Health Services in Dangerous Places, Rodger K. Bufford and George F. Rhoades
Cultural Competence and Trauma: Applying Ethical Codes in Culturally Sensitive Ways, Rodger K. Bufford and Winston Seegobin
Dimensions of Grace, Rodger K. Bufford, Timoth Sisemore, and Amanda Blackburn
Worldview Foundations for a Christian Psychology, Rodger K. Bufford and Timothy A. Sisemore
Dimensions of Grace: Factor Analysis of Three Grace Scales, Rodger K. Bufford, Timothy A. Sisemore, and Amanda M. Blackburn
Reflections on Lothstein’s Review, Carilyn C. Ellis, Mary A. Peterson, Rodger Bufford, and Jon Benson
The Importance of Group Cohesion in Inpatient Treatment of Combat-related PTSD, Carilyn C. Ellis, Mary A. Peterson, Rodger K. Bufford, and Jon Benson
The Importance of Group Cohesion in Inpatient Treatment of Combat-Related PTSD, Carilyn Ellis, Mary Peterson, Rodger Bufford, and Jon Benson
Chapter Four of Overcoming Adversities: Resilience in Rural Southeastern Montana, Kristie Knows-His-Gun, Rodger K. Bufford, and Winston Seegobin
ACT, Values, and Christian Psychology: A Response to Sisemore, Mark R. McMinn
Religious and Spiritual Diversity Training in Professional Psychology: A Case Study, Mark R. McMinn, Rodger K. Bufford, Michael J. Vogel, Tyler A. Gerdin, Brian Lee Goetsch, Michelle M. Block, Jason K. Mitchell, Mary A. Peterson, Winston Seegobin, Carlos Taloyo, and Nicholas R. Wiarda
The Parent-Child Relationship - Chapter 4 from "Christianity and Developmental Psychopathology: Foundations and Approaches", Winston Seegobin
Use of Technology for Note Taking and Therapeutic Alliance, Nicholas R. Wiarda, Mark R. McMinn, Mary A. Peterson, and Joel A. Gregor
Faculty Publications from 2013
Barriers to Psychologists Seeking Mental Health Care, Jennifer Lynn Bearse, Mark R. McMinn, Winston Seegobin, and Kurt Free
Finding balance: Integration as a four-legged stool, Rodger K. Bufford
Measuring grace: Further development and validation of a grace measure, Rodger K. Bufford, Amanda Blackburn, Rodney Bassett, and Timothy Sisemore
Stanford-Binet 5 Nonverbal Subtests Item Fairness in a Latina/o Sample: No News is Good News, Rodger K. Bufford, Simone C. Harlow, and Gale H. Roid
Intellectual functioning and multi-dimensional attentional processes in long-term survivors of a central nervous system related pediatric malignancy, Robert W. Butler, Diane L. Fairclough, Ernest R. Katz, Anne E. Kazak, Robert B. Noll, Ryan D. Thompson, and Olle Jane Z. Sahler
Individual and Combined Effects of LD and ADHD on Computerized Neurocognitive Concussion Test Performance: Evidence for Separate Norms, R. J. Elbin, Anthony Kontos, Nate Kegel, Eric Johnson, Scott Burkhart, and Philip Schatz
Spiritual Formation among Doctoral Psychology Students in Explicitly Christian Programs, Laura K. Fisk, Marcel H. Flores, Mark R. McMinn, Jamie D. Aten, Peter C. Hill, Theresa Clement Tisdale, Kevin S. Reimer, Vickey Maclin, Winston Seegobin, and Kathleen Gathercoal
Schemas, Core Beliefs, Worldviews, and Clinical Practice, Chad A. Houchin and Rodger K. Bufford
Resilience at St. Labre: Childhood Adversity, Spiritual Well-Being, Employment, and Resilience in a Multi-ethnic Rural Population, Kristie Knows-His-Gun, Rodger K. Bufford, Kathleen Gathercoal, and Winston Seegobin
Incidence of Sports-Related Concussion among Youth Football Players Aged 8-12 Years, Anthony P. Kontos, R. J. Elbin, Vanessa C. Fazio-Sumrock, Scott Burkhart, Hasani Swindell, Joseph Maroon, and Michael W. Collins
Spiritual Formation Training in Christian Psychology Doctoral Programs: Introduction to Special Issue, Mark R. McMinn and Brian Lee Goetsch
Spiritual Formation Training in the George Fox University Graduate Department of Clinical Psychology, Mark R. McMinn, Marie-Christine Goodworth, Joshua Shea Borrelli, Brian Lee Goetsch, Jessica Lee, and Jens Uhder
Human or Natural Trauma: What’s Worse?, Heather Merrell, Rodger K. Bufford, and Kathleen Gathercoal
Strategies Employed by Clergy to Prevent and Cope with Interpersonal Isolation, Ryan C. Staley, Mark R. McMinn, Kathleen Gathercoal, and Kurt Free