"On Doing Justice, Loving Mercy, and Walking Humbly in Micah 6:8: The P" by Paul N. Anderson

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Despite YHWH's presentation in the Hebrew Scripture as, at times, a warrior, a divine portrait also emerges of a God of justice, mercy, and lovingkindness, rooted in God's steadfast love (hesed) and desire for peaceable wholeness (salom)....This essay will explore the justice of lsrael's God, peace and prosperity as components of God's shalomic blessing, the turbulence of lsrael's eighth-century situation, and the prophets' creative calls for repentance--highlighting God's peaceable ways--relevant both then and now.


Originally published as “On Doing Justice, Loving Kindness, and Walking Humbly in Micah 6:8—The Peaceable Ways of Israel’s God, Then and Now.” A Sage in New Haven: Essays on the Prophets, the Writings, and the Ancient World in Honor of Robert R. Wilson. Edited by Alison Acker Gruseke and Carolyn J. Sharp. Ägypten und Altes Testament 117 (Münster: Zaphon, 2023), 157-167.

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