Date of Award
Document Type
Project Portfolio
Degree Name
Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives (DLd)
First Advisor
Trisha Welstad, DLd
Second Advisor
Kristin Hamilton, DLd
Third Advisor
Jason Swan Clark, DMin, PhD
To fulfill my project portfolio, I will be addressing the following: “Can the church become a guiding light in the lives of adolescents (10 to 15 years old) in the Bunche Village community who have experienced the effects of multigenerational trauma?” My research findings confirmed that some of the symptoms of multigenerational trauma can be addressed through social-emotional learning using biblical interventions. I will describe how the church can address these needs through youth outreach. My project is a non-profit that will follow a Christian-centered social-emotional skills curriculum. This program will address the needs of adolescents in the Bunche Village community to change generational norms.
Recommended Citation
Dillon, Shonell L., "La Familia de Village" (2024). Doctor of Leadership. 31.