Date of Award
Document Type
Project Portfolio
Degree Name
Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives (DLd)
First Advisor
Kristin Hamilton, DLd
Second Advisor
Christine Roush, DMin
Third Advisor
Jason Swan Clark, DMin, PhD
Limited time and finances have significantly contributed to the spiritual decay and practice of the Sabbath in Snohomish County. Through this study, I have identified that community members, immigrants, and refugees are impacted the most by working overtime or two jobs to provide a home for their families. Many immigrants not only have to work very hart but but most frequent food banks and seek assistance from the local church. Unfortunately, things are better as a high percentage of firstborn Slavic and Hispanics students drop out of school to work or take care of their younger siblings. Native Americans followed next with students dropping out of school.
In 2020, Snohomish County exceeded the State and National average cost of living (Average COL)by 7.1 percent, making Snohomish County a costly place to live. Lake Stevens is 30 percent higher than the county average and 37.1 percent higher. Many families and individuals are struggling greatly from overworking and burnout. The need need for rest and the practice of Sabbath is becoming increasingly crucial in Snohomish County.
I have witnessed this significantly impact smaller rural church communities, especially the spiritual leader or pastor of that community. As fewer church attendees slow down for the spiritual practice of Sabbath, this also impacts the spiritual practice of Tithing. Fewer Christians are taking time to slow down to spend time with God and honor God. This also impacts serving as fewer people are serving in their local church, putting more emphasis on the spiritual leader or pastor of that community.
In conclusion, this study emphasizes the need to slow down so we can give more to those in our care. To focus on our needs rather than our wants and desires.
Recommended Citation
McMullen, Gregory, "Sabbath Rest" (2024). Doctor of Leadership. 32.