Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


School of Education

First Advisor

Dane Joseph, Ph.D.

Second Advisor

Karen Buchanan, Ed.D.

Third Advisor

Greg Aldred, Ed.D.


Given the lack of research on nurse faculty career commitment, this phenomenological research study aimed to investigate why nurse faculty choose to stay committed to their career when incentives to leave are high during a persistent nurse faculty shortage. This study used phenomenological reduction through the lens of the Three-Component Model (Allen & Meyers, 1990) of commitment to explore the lived experiences of nurse faculty working full-time in the Pacific Northwest. Through the lens of the Three-Component Model, three themes emerged: (a) nursing education as “a calling”; (b) mentoring as a framework for developing and retaining nurse faculty (c) nurse faculty compensation is holistic. This study sought to understand better the stories nurse faculty tell that explain their commitment to stay and what barriers exist that threaten their retention. Implications for this study may help college and university leaders understand the subtle factors that motivate nurse faculty to stay and develop measures to attract, develop, and retain them.

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