"Enhancing Staff Satisfaction: Exploring the Efficacy of Peer Observati" by Brian Wood

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


School of Education

First Advisor

Jenelle Stone, Ph.D.

Second Advisor

Marc Shelton, Ed.D.


This research aimed to determine if introducing a peer observation system for professional development within an elementary school improved staff satisfaction with accessing and implementing professional learning. The Implementation Science Dissertation in Practice (ISDiP) utilized a Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) throughout a 90-day improvement science cycle. A network improvement committee (NIC) met monthly to establish a shared understanding of the current problem of practice within educational professional learning models, reviewed participant data, and made real-time adjustments to the research.

The study focused on study participants engaging in peer observations to acquire and implement new professional learning. Data collection methods included pre-, mid-, and post-study surveys, digital Exit Tickets following peer observations, and interviews. A Root Cause Analysis (RCA) was conducted to provide a comprehensive understanding of the identified problem. The RCA emerged seven themes which were utilized for coding during data analysis: (1) staff buy-in, (2) professional learning volume, (3) lack of constructive implementation feedback, (4) “swoop and poop” delivery method, (5) lack of collaboration and teamwork, (6) professional learning timing, and (7) time to prepare from the professional learning opportunities.

Results from the study indicated positive gains in staff satisfaction when accessing professional learning through the incorporation of peer observations. Furthermore, the use of peer observations positively impacted staff satisfaction with the implementation of professional learning. This research contributed valuable insights into the potential benefits of peer observation systems for professional development in elementary school settings.

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