Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


School of Education

First Advisor

Jenelle Stone, Ph.D.

Second Advisor

Marc Shelton, Ed.D.


Teacher turnover rates are higher than the national average with the Oregon House Majority reporting 36%. In 2017, the Educator Advancement Council (EAC) was tasked with developing and implementing localized regional networks to provide a seamless system of support for educators, which would be critical to retaining teachers in the profession. This program evaluation study aimed to understand the role and impact of the South Coast to Valley (SC2V) Regional Educator Network (REN). A total of 563 licensed and classified educators from the South Coast and Willamette Valley regions served as research subjects. To glean insight into how SC2V REN impacted educators, existing data sets were merged and analyzed to inform the development and dissemination of a quantitative survey used in the primary data collection. Findings from both data sets were then interpreted and discussed. The results of this study provided further insight into how localized networks impact educator confidence and self- efficacy through professional learning opportunities that include reflective thinking, networking, and collaboration amongst educators across regions. The impact of participation in SC2V REN activities has empowered novice educators to grow in the profession and seasoned educators to seek leadership opportunities. When educators are supported and their voices are heard, there is a significant impact on their effectiveness, it boosts motivation, and facilitates the retention of these highly skilled individuals.

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