"Are Consumers Willing to Pay to Reduce Food Waste?" by Kara Grant, R. Karina Gallardo et al.

Faculty Publications - College of Business

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In this article, we assess consumer willingness to pay for foods prepared using a new food-processing technology, a pasteurization process based on microwave treatments called Microwave Assisted Pasteurization Systems (MAPS), which can improve the appearance, texture, and flavor of ready-to-eat meals and extend shelf life compared to other equivalent processing technologies (Tang, 2015). We also examine whether there are linkages between stated shelf life dates and estimated premeditated food waste for the different ingredients used in the choice experiment. We collected data using an online survey via Qualtrics in which we asked questions about premeditated food waste according to different shelf life dates and conducted a discrete choice experiment to compute willingness to pay for reduced food waste.


Originally published in Choices Magazine. 1st Quarter 2019. Volume 34. Issue 1.


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Business Commons
