"Trauma-Informed School Practices in Response to the Impact of Social-C" by Anna A. Berardi PhD. and Brenda Morton

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Excerpt: "In this chapter we present a model for addressing the academic and behavioral challenges of students impacted by unmitigated stress and trauma. Typically, trauma-informed school literature addresses trauma resulting from abusive, or neglectful behaviors that occur in the home (Bailey, 2015; Craig, 2016; Massachusetts Advocates for Children, 2005; Souers & Hall, 2016). Here, the type of trauma we are addressing is threats to the physical and emotional health of students due to social and cultural factors. Perhaps most detrimental and deadly is trauma resulting from war, economic collapse, civil unrest, and social-political attitudes, laws, and customs that exclude, marginalize, exploit, or subjugate an identified vulnerable population. Like members of a family in which chronic conflict and abuse occur, this type of violence involves all of us, whether we are direct recipients of abuse, observers of those supporting such abuse (oftentimes people we love), or searching for ways to effectively intervene on behalf of the victims. We can not stay in a merely objective observer position as all of us are stressed by events happening across the globe, and emotionally, socially, and perhaps economically impacted as these events occur within our own communities."


Originally published in How Now Shall We Care: A Christian Educator's Guide to Caring for Self, Learners, Colleagues, and Community. Published by Wipf & Stock, pages 35 - 65.

