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It was dark outside, and cold, so cold the man’s eyes stung from the moisture on his lids. He was hunched over, trying to make himself as small a target as possible against the frigid wind. He shuffled along at an unsteady gait, trying to keep his balance on the slick sidewalk. Occasionally, he would stop, peek out from under his hood to reorient himself in the blowing snow, and then step cautiously but purposefully onward toward his destination.
Recommended Citation
Kottler, Jeffrey A. and Montgomery, Marilyn J., "Theories of Crying" (2001). Faculty Publications - Graduate School of Counseling. 81.
Chapter from Adult crying: A Biopsychosocial Approach edited by Ad J.J.M. Vingerhoets, Randolph R. Cornelius. 2001. Pages 1-17. 1st Edition.