Faculty Publications from 2002
Clarence Dill's West: Building Dams and Dreams, Kerry Irish
Faculty Publications from 2001
The Water Rises: Clarence C. Dills Battle for Grand Coulee Dam, Kerry Irish
What Can the Bible Teach us about Peacemaking?, Ron Mock
Faculty Publications from 2000
The Baptism of Edwin, King of Northumbria: A New Analysis of the British Tradition, Caitlin Corning
Catharine Beecher: America's First Female Philosopher and Theologian, Mark Hall
Faculty Publications from 1999
Peter Stuyvesant, Paul Otto
Review of Snow, Gehring, and Starna's "In Mohawk Country: Early Narratives about a Native People", Paul Otto
Faculty Publications from 1998
Review of Gleach's "Powhatan's World and Colonial Virginia: A Conflict of Cultures", Paul Otto
Faculty Publications from 1997
The Wilsonian Dilemma, Mark Hall
James Wilson, a Man for All Seasons (Chapter 7 of The Political and Legal Philosophy of James Wilson 1742-1798), Mark David Hall
Faculty Publications from 1996
Review of Perdue & Green's "The Cherokee Removal: A Brief History with Documents", Paul Otto
Faculty Publications from 1995
Review of Dunn's "The Mohicans and Their Land, 1609-1730", Paul Otto
Faculty Publications from 1994
The Origins of New Netherland: Interpreting Native American Responses to Henry Hudson's Visit, Paul Otto
To Haiti and Back, John Wish and Ron Mock
Faculty Publications from 1993
Review of Marley's " Pirates and Engineers: Dutch and Flemish Adventurers in New Spain (1607-1697)", Paul Otto
Review of Viola's "After Columbus: The Smithsonian Chronicle of the North American Indians", Paul Otto
Faculty Publications from 1992
History as a Humanity: Reading and Literacy in the History Classroom, Paul Otto
Faculty Publications from 1988
Promoting Social Change in Authoritarian Regimes through Active Nonviolence, Ron Mock
Faculty Publications from 1979
Intergovernmental Power and Dependence, Ron Mock