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Peter J. Hampton
Learning to face the later years. Page 2

Mike Henley
Yearly Meeting Reports: The harvest is ripe. Page 6

Kara Cole
And how was yearly meeting this year? Page 6

Gerald I. Teague
Midwest Quakers have a word for it! Page 8

Richard Sartwell
A mood of change. Page 9

Louise George
Sisters -- Adopted daughters of the king. Page 10

Jack L. Wilcuts"
Editorials. Page 11

Regular Features
Books 12
Salt and Light 12
First Day News 13
Over the Teacup 17
The Face of the World 18
Once upon a Time 19
Friends Concerns 20
Friends Gather 23
Friends Record 26


This content is historical in nature. It reflects views of a certain time period and does not necessarily reflect the current or past views of George Fox University. Learn more about GFU’s current vision, mission, and values by visiting the following site:

Publication Date


Evangelical Friend, September 1977 (Vol. 11, No. 1)
