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What ever happened to sanctification?
'That they may be one ...' (John 17:21). Page 5

Project possibilities
Robert Hess challenges Friends to varied opportunities for ministry in Nigeria, Burundi, Kenya, India, Nepal, and Bangladesh. Page 6

When is the time for a pastoral change?
With 40 years of experience as background, Clare Willcuts offers wise counsel to both pastors and churches. Page 8

God's church in today's world
As part of the series "When Is the Church Fulfilling its Mission?" Walter Lee relates his concern for "basics" of the church. Page 9

Unemployment: bane or blessing?
A young family found that extended unemployment opened unexpected miracles from God and opportunities for service to others. Page 12

A meal a week ... a million dollars in EFA
What would happen if each family in the EFA would fast one meal a week and give the dollars saved to relieve world hunger? Page 14

Missionary Voice
Wenceslao, Daniel, and Clemente 15
Fruit at Seventh Ferry 16
Mexican Friends to Guatemala 16

Special Features
A word concerning the handling of charismatics 18
Prayer call for National Conference 20
The 1976 Missions and Service Conference 29

Regular Features
The Face of the World 4
Over the Teacup 4
What's New! 17
The Children's Page 19
Friends Concerns 21
Friends Gather 24
Friends Record 28
Books 30


This content is historical in nature. It reflects views of a certain time period and does not necessarily reflect the current or past views of George Fox University. Learn more about GFU’s current vision, mission, and values by visiting the following site:

Publication Date


Evangelical Friend, March 1976 (Vol. 9, No. 7)
