Evangelical Friend, September 1968 (Vol. 2, No. 1)
Evangelical Friends Alliance
Preach the Word
"God's Word is always relevant and it needs to be applied to current issues." Page 5Evangelical Friend: the first anniversary
The curator of a Quaker collection tells the history of the magazines preceding the Evangelical Friend. Page 6Mission and service
A fresh viewpoint is needed if Friends are to resolve differences of opinion about the importance of mission and service. Page 8Hand-me-down religion
"We must realize that the only way to keep our young people is to help each of them meet God face to face." Page 9Missionary Voice
Treasure in earthen vessels 10
Witnessing at home 11
School memories at Rough Rock 12No records-no history
"We lose contact with our past when we ... are careless about preserving the records upon which history depends." Page 13Friends in session
A report of the Association of Evangelical Friends conference held at Marion, Indiana, in August. Page 14Accent on Friends Youth
Friends Inn--an 'in' youth activity 16
What religion means to me 17
Your Ladyship 17
Youth News 17Regular Features
The Face of the World 4
Reach and Teach 4
The Children's Page 15
Over the Teacup 18
Books 18
Friends Write 19----------
Southwest Supplement
Ohio Supplement
Rocky Mountain Supplement
Northwest Supplement -
Evangelical Friend, August 1968 (Vol. 1, No. 12)
Evangelical Friends Alliance
Unemployment in the church?
"As the activity of the church expands, more and more responsibility is placed upon fewer and fewer people-proportionately." Page 5Report from Vietnam
The executive vice-president of World Relief Commission reports to evangelical Friends on his recent trip. Page 6Missionary Voice
Teaching Chinese in English 8
Thumbnail Sketch 9
Questions on Burundi 10Accent on Friends Youth
Need some ideas for Friends Youth? 14
Happy Harold's Humor 15Regular Features
The Face of the World 4
Reach and Teach 11
Books 11
Over the Teacup 12
The Children's Page 13----------
Southwest Supplement
Ohio Supplement
Northwest Supplement
Rocky Mountain Supplement -
Evangelical Friend, July 1968 (Vol. 1, No. 11)
Evangelical Friends Alliance
Crisis in the nation
"The awfulness of the hour must not blot out those quiet and resolute voices calling for calm and order ... " Page 5Christian liberty
"They who are strong must help bear the burdens of the weak, and in so doing they build the road to freedom." Page 7The miracle of modern Israel
"One cannot escape the feel of dynamics, of patriotism, of success, of a kind of national destiny ... " Page 9Missionary Voice
Radio CORDAC 10
Thumbnail Sketch 10
Do I Know the Navajo? 11
Sights and sounds of Mexico City 12Faith still moves mountains today
The transforming power of Christ in the life of a young guilt-ridden prisoner brings new life and miracles. Page 73Accent on Friends Youth
Needed: leaders 16
Your Ladyship 16
'I want to be free' 17Conference of Evangelical Friends
The eighth triennial Conference of Evangelical Friends will begin the last day of July in Marion, Indiana. Page 18Regular Features
The Face of the World 4
Over the Teacup 4
Reach and Teach 8
Books 14
The Children's Page 75----------
Rocky Mountain Supplement
Southwest Supplement
Ohio Supplement
Northwest Supplement -
Evangelical Friend, June 1968 (Vol. 1, No. 10)
Evangelical Friends Alliance
Eternal Truth in a secular world
"The church must let its witness be heard...on issues of moral and spiritual involvement..." Page 5Friends in camping
With a variety of camping programs, Friends have an exciting, tailor-made Christian frontier on the church doorstep. Page 6Missionary Voice
An interview on Rough Rock 10
A faithful Navajo 11
Thumbnail Sketch 12God wants you now!
A youthful Michigan pastor challenges young people not to sit back and wait for adulthood, but work for God today. Page 12Accent on Friends Youth
Sports-a door of opportunity for Christian teens 14
Love and marriage in India 15
Happy Harold's Humor 15Europe's Renaissance
In the midst of progressive, gleaming cities is Europe's institutional church, more brick and stone than spirit. Page 18Regular features
The Face of the World 4
Friends Write 4
These Things We Believe 13
Reach and Teach 16
Books 16
The Children's Page 17
Over the Teacup 18----------
Northwest Supplement
Southwest Supplement
Ohio Supplement
Rocky Mountain Supplement -
Evangelical Friend, May 1968 (Vol. 1, No. 9)
Evangelical Friends Alliance
The Christian home
"How refreshing to find a home with father and mother in charge and in their rightful roles of leadership." Page 5Like parents-like children
"If we prove by our actions that we want our children today, our children will want us tomorrow." Page 7Missionary voice
Life of a President 8
Korean Friends in the Northwest 9
Contacts for Christ 10
Thumbnail Sketch 11Calling a pastor
The superintendent of Ohio Yearly Meeting gives timely advice to Friends seeking God's will for pastoral leadership Page 12Accent on Friends Youth
Be yourself: Debbie Barnes' recipe for success 14
Your Ladyship 15'The fellowship of the blood-washed'
The atonement brings one into a fraternity worldwide in scope, beyond barriers of language, custom, education or social standing. Page 17Regular features
The Face of the World 4
These Things We Believe 4
Reach and Teach 13
Over the Teacup 16
Books 16
The Children's Page 18----------
Ohio Supplement
Southwest Supplement
Rocky Mountain Supplement
Northwest Supplement -
Evangelical Friend, April 1968 (Vol. 1, No. 8)
Evangelical Friends Alliance
Can revival come?
With a world in upheaval, is it not time for all of us to reassess and rearrange our priority values? Page 5The empty tomb
"Much as we cherish His vicarious death, we ever exult at His rising again for our justification and eternal hope." Page 6The beauty of holiness
"We must experience the power to be before we can experience the power to do." Page 8The pilgrim heart
Because of the preservation of the Holy Places, the Christian faith is made more meaningful to these Quaker travelers. Page 9An interview on South America
Answers to questions most often asked about Oregon Yearly Meeting's work in Bolivia and Peru. Page 10United Mission to Nepal
A brief pictorial story of a cooperative ministry of which Ohio Yearly Meeting is a part. Page 12Accent on Friends Youth
The EFA Youth Commission brings its Friends Youth Accent to the pages of Evangelical Friend. Page 14Regular Features
The Face of the World 4
Friends Write 4
These Things We Believe 7
Over the Teacup 16
Books 16
The Children's Page 17
Friendly Debate 19----------
Northwest Supplement
Rocky Mountain Supplement
Southwest Supplement
Ohio Supplement -
Evangelical Friend, March 1968 (Vol. 1, No. 7)
Evangelical Friends Alliance
'Is it helpful?'
The editor pleads for a revival of constructive and beneficial literature-in homes, schools, offices, libraries and churches. Page 5Why a Christian college?
"The need of the Christian college, often called the 'affirming college,' has never been greater in our society than today. Page 7Discovering the discoverers
Through words and pictures we get a brief view of what our EFA schools and colleges are doing. Page 8Christian colleges-a survey
The place of higher education in the holiness movement as surveyed by the president of Marion College. Page 12Stages in modern missions
"Instead of building for permanence, the missionary movement today requires a constant probing action..." Page 13Life in Burundi Missionaries
Willard and Doris Ferguson tell what it's like ta live and minister in Africa. Page 14A first in Mexico City
The need for metal bars on the missionary's home leads to the first gospel service for the EFA Mexican Mission. Page 16EFA Coordinating Council
A general report of the actions taken by EFA Commissions during January's sessions in Omaha. Page 18Regular Features
The Face of the World 4
These Things We Believe 17
The Children's Page 19
Over the Teacup 20
Books 20----------
Rocky Mountain Supplement
Northwest Supplement
Southwest Supplement
Ohio Supplement -
Evangelical Friend, February 1968 (Vol. 1, No. 6)
Evangelical Friends Alliance
God gives youth
"If youth have questions to ask the church, they should be given a hearing." Page 5'Follow peace'
"We must honor all our youth who want to be involved meaningfully in a sinful, suffering world." Page 6Hold that teen-ager!
"The first prerequisite to hold a teen is to win him for Christ." Page 8Youth speaks out
A youthful Friends pastor from Kansas tells what he likes about his denomination. Page 10Missionary Voice
An interview on India 12
Camp meeting and dorm life at Rough Rock 13
The Friendly Road 14Regular Features
The Face of the World 41
Friendly Debate 41
The Children's Page 15
Over the Teacup 16
These Things We Believe 17
Books 18
Friends Write 18----------
Southwest Supplement
Rocky Mountain Supplement
Ohio Supplement
Northwest Supplement -
Evangelical Friend, January 1968 (Vol. 1, No. 5)
Evangelical Friends Alliance
Giving Christ preeminence in '68
Christian efforts can be fruitless without the burning presence of the Lord in the midst. Page 5Missionary Voice
Tragedy to triumph 6
'It can't be done' 8
With the Comforts in Caranavi 9Prospectus for Jerusalem
"Heaven will bring to a glorious and eternal fulfillment all the promises relating to Jerusalem." Page 11Evangelism in Depth
Indiana Friends employ Latin American mission methods-with success. Page 12These things we believe
"The enduring Word for a changing world," first in a series of basic Christian beliefs as held by evangelical Friends. Page 14'It's nobody's business'
"A silent survey revealed a broken body against a smashed fence, a car-slightly damaged... " Page 16The National Holiness Association
This interdenominational organization celebrates its first 100 years with new life and rededication. Page 18Regular Features
The Face of the World 4
The Children's Page 15
Over the Teacup 17
Books 18----------
Ohio Supplement
Northwest Supplement
Southwest Supplement
Rocky Mountain Supplement -
Evangelical Friend, December 1967 (Vol. 1, No. 4)
Evangelical Friends Alliance
Enthroning Christ within
The essence of Christmas--God with us--is made real throughout the year by love, worship and obedience. Page 5Shepherds and the Christmas story
"How can we be casual at Christmas, when God's own Son was born, stooping down to us ... ?" Page 7'We used to be Headhunters'
A national from India's Naga Hills leads the influential Evangelical Fellowship of India. Page 8Nagaland story in pictures
Photos record a Christian conference in India's smallest state, Nagaland, and its growing church. Page 10An unchanging message
The message of Christ remains as relevant to astronauts and the jet set as it was to lowly shepherds. Page 12K O R O Crusade
"Many Sunday schools in the Evangelical Friends Alliance are winners because of the new growth, interest and enthusiasm." Page 15Omaha and E F A
In January, Alliance commissions will confer in the dynamic atmosphere of Nebraska's growing metropolis. Page 16Regular Features
The Face of the World 4
Over the Teacup 6
Friends Write 6
The Children's Page 14
Books 18----------
Northwest Supplement
Ohio Supplement
Rocky Mountain Supplement
Southwest Supplement -
Evangelical Friend, November 1967 (Vol. 1, No. 3)
Evangelical Friends Alliance
What goes on there?
Is the local church a savoring influence in all areas of life? Page 5Missionary Voice
Burundi: then and now 6
Christian education in Burundi 8
Chhatarpur Vacation Bible School 9Thanksgiving unlimited
Are we following this avenue to the heart of God? Page 10Systematic stewardship
Paul's five facets of financial giving as suggested to the church of Corinth. Page 12Our Friends at work
A 19-year-old Friends ministerial student wins honors for TV technical direction. Page 15How to worship
If Christ is permitted to touch your Life, you will never be the same again. Page 16Regular features
The Face of the World 4
The Children's Page 14
Over the Teacup 18
Books 18----------
Rocky Mountain Supplement
Northwest Supplement
Southwest Supplement
Ohio Supplement -
Evangelical Friend, October 1967 (Vol. 1, No. 2)
Evangelical Friends Alliance
What of the night?
"History is being written and .. . prophecies are being unfolded . .. " Page 5A churchmouse views children's church
Frustrated Charlie would have given his last chunk of cheese to tell what he saw at Hopedale. Page 6Union Biblical Seminary at Yeotmal, India
Twenty-eight groups work together to reach the nation's spiritual heart. Page 8The mission in Rough Rock, Arizona
Rocky Mountain Yearly Meeting missionaries work with what was once the "vanishing American." Page 10Colemans report on India relief
Ohio missionaries Milton and Rebecca Coleman join in famine relief program. Page 11Morale is high in Omaha
Friends in the EF A join together in building a church at the growing edge of Omaha. Page 12Quality education in the small church
"If we are to have quality Christian education it must be a total church affair." Page 14Leadership conference perspective
Friends Youth from 13 states share ideas at leadership conference in Iowa. Page 16Future of Christian education
"The church of tomorrow is shaped in the Sunday schools of today." Page 18Youth Ambassadors
Collegians are being challenged to volunteer service for local church extension. Page 19Regular features
The Face of the World 4
The Children's Page 14
Over the Teacup 21
Books 22-------------------------
Rocky Mountain Supplement
Southwest Supplement
Ohio Supplement
Northwest Supplement -
Evangelical Friend, September 1967 (Vol. 1, No. 1)
Evangelical Friends Alliance
5 Why a new magazine?
In his first editorial, the editor spells out the concerns and reasons behind the new Evangelical Friend.6 The Evangelical Friends Alliance
"It is a means whereby four yearly meetings can cooperate in areas of common need and ministry."8 New dimensions in evangelism
"Too long has the church in America waited for people to come to it."10 'Borne of four'
Veteran Missionaries Roscoe and Tina Knight begin their ministry as EF A workers in Mexico.13 Five years of Friends Youth
Strengthened bonds of unity result from cooperative conferences, a common name and a magazine.14 KORO Crusade
"Through this united effort we desire that every Sunday school will 'Keep On Reaching Out'."Regular Features
The Face of the World 2
The Children's Page 16
Over the Teacup 17
Books 18
"Since the days of the early apostolic church, Christians have felt an inner motivation for getting together for worship, for fellowship and for the work of compassionate service. There is an invisible, yet powerful force that draws together those of like faith and likemind.
Evangelical Friend initiates the publication concern to build more adequate and stronger lines of communication among Friends in our world of today" (Evangelical Friend, Vol. 1, No. 1, pg 5)
The Evangelical Friend was the official publication of the Evangelical Friends Alliance and was published monthly at 600 East Third Street, Newberg, Oregon 97132.
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