Changing Adolescents' Attitudes About Relational and Physical Aggression: An Early Evaluation of a School-Based Intervention

Leihua Van Schoiack-Edstrom, George Fox University
Karin S. Frey
Kathy Beland

Originally published in School Psychology Review by National Association of School Psychologists


A pilot study evaluating the Second Step, Middle School/Junior High®program was conducted to determine its effect on students’ attitudes regarding aggression and perceived difficulty of performing social skills. Sixth-through eighth-grade students (N = 714) were surveyed before and after the pro-gram was implemented by teachers in intervention classrooms. Second Step students were taught curricular modules corresponding to their year in middle/junior high school. Program effects were tested using a repeated measures design. Relative to nonparticipants, Second Step students in their second year of school de-creased in their overall endorsement of aggression and perceived difficulty of per-forming social skills. Program effects were less consistent for those in their first year of middle/junior high school. Additional research is needed to investigate program effects under varying conditions (e.g., lesson quality, pacing of lessons) and with long-term exposure.