The Discipline of Oregon Yearly Meeting of Friends Church
The Friend Church dates its rise from about the year 1647. This was in England, a period in which many of the props, on which men had long been accustomed to lean, both in civil and religious matters, were shaken or removed. The fears, troubles and heartstirring thoughts connected with the domestic commotions which then prevailed in the nation, led many into a deep search as to the grounds of their opinions and the real stability of their religious hopes; but the movements of this period must be traced to a much earlier date. To go to their source we must at least go back to the days of the enlightened Wickliffe and the persecuted Lollards; but this would lead us beyond our space. Suffice it to say, that during the eventful period immediately preceeding the rise of the Friends, there was one great and very important truth almost lost sight of, viz.: The influence of the Holy S irit on the hearts of men, and the enduement of power of those who receive Him as their Comforter and Sanctifier.
Publication Date
Newberg Graphic Press
Newberg, Oregon
Arts and Humanities | Christian Denominations and Sects | Christianity | Religion
Recommended Citation
Oregon Yearly Meeting, "The Discipline of Oregon Yearly Meeting of Friends Church" (1895). Historical Quaker Books. 68.