"Experiences of Women Who Seek Recovery Assistance Following an Electiv" by Kaye Wilson-Anderson and Lisa Haynie

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This study, using grounded theory method, was conducted to describe the basic social processes experienced by 17 women who recognized the need for recovery and sought recovery assistance following an elective abortion. Nursing research in the area of women’s experiences seeking post-abortion recovery assistance is warranted because to date abortion is reported to be the second most common surgery performed in the United States. The study was conducted in the southern and west coast regions of the United States. Utilizing a grounded theory chronological approach, interview data was analyzed in three main stage s: Life Before Abortion, Life After Abortion and Life With Recovery. The basic social processes that explained the experience of these post-abortive women were: searching for love and acceptance, understanding the need for help, seeking help, accepting God’s forgiveness, forgiving self/others and life-long recovery. Based on the findings of this study and the literature seven conclusion are presented.


Originally published in the Online Journal of Health Ethics, 5(1).
