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There are Orthodox Jews today, as in their early history, who still place their hope of righteousness in various laws, rituals, and ceremonies. This became quite evident as the writer took his basic training during the winter of 1959 at the u. s. Army's basic school for Chaplains.

The problem was further intensified by the fact that the writer has found this problem to be a part of many individuals' experiences. There are many of his associates of the Protestant faith who place their hope of righteousness in particular aspects of the law. Some feel that works merit salvation. The Orthodox Jew at Chaplain's school could not eat with the other men. He had his own private kitchen and every Sunday night he brought in from town supplies for the week. His frantic rushing every Friday night to reach his weekend destination before sundown seemed almost maddening.

The problem, a study of Paul's use of the word "law" in Romans, is divided into two parts. The first part is to try to discover as accurately as possible what Paul was talking about when he used the word "law." The second part is to try to indicate what Paul taught about law.

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