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The evangelical Protestant movement in America is being identified as a struggle for identity and existence due to the advances made by neo-orthodoxy and liberalism into the basic beliefs of all Protestants. With this growth has come the ecumenical movement which is reaching all who profess the Christian faith. As long as these forces are gripping the mind and attention of most nominal American Protestants, the evangelical forces within this nation are being forced to re-examine their principles and programs in order to strengthen the emphasis on a vital, Bible-centered program of' evangelism and soul winning.

As evangelical Protestant denominations and conferences seek to re-emphasize this program of evangelism, they are seeking to identify themselves with persons and movements that will reflect this fundamental and evangelical outreach to which they hold dear. While most of this identification is definitely with religious groups and movements, there has been an outreach to interfaith movements that are of high moral and spiritual quality and ministry.

One of these agencies is the Boy Scouts of America. While nonsectarian in philosophy and program this movement endeavors to help each of its members to understand and live the religious faith to which he subscribes. With this principle in mind, many churches are seeking within the Boy Scouts of America a means to minister to more of their youth in a way that is truly Christian. While this is a trend of the times, the number of scout units sponsored by evangelical Protestant churches is still small 'When compared to the number of units sponsored by nonevangelical churches. It is not to say here whether this is good or bad, but rather, to realize that a problem does exist in this area.

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Christianity Commons
