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The function of praise has taken so many forms that its place in theology today is unclear. In some circles within the Christian framework it seems to this writer to have been almost unwanted. On the other hand, some of the more exaggerated forms of praise have been associated with emotionalism. The Christian believer who seeks a proper balance in this regard, whether in his private worship or in the worship services of his local church, needs to understand the scope of Christian praise as it is taught in the Scriptures and in common experience.

The Thompson Chain Reference Bible assigns praise under the rubric of "Gratitude;" but The Dickson Bible considers it separately in the topical study. Clarence Benson and others discuss praise under the heading of "Worship." Still others see praise as a part of prayer. One theologian calls it an "audible expression"4 while other writers note its silent forms, even to the including of good works.
