Western Evangelical Seminary Theses | Western Evangelical Seminary | George Fox University

Student theses from the Western Evangelicaql Seminary until its merger with George Fox College (now University).


Theses/Dissertations from 1952


A Comparative Study of Some Contemporary Views on the Great Tribulation Period, Harvey Ernest Bartram


A Comparative Study of Some Contemporary Views on the Great Tribulation Period, Harvey Ernest Bartram


A Critical Study of Mormon Doctrine, Dwaine L. Bassett


A Critical Study of Mormon Doctrine, Dwaine L. Bassett


A Study of the Protestant Conception of the Priesthood of Believers, Charles W. Bellus


A Study of the Protestant Conception of the Priesthood of Believers, Charles W. Bellus


A Proposed Plan and Curriculum for Teacher-Training In the Oregon-Washington Conference of the Evangelical United Brethren Church, Robert D. Bennett


A Proposed Plan and Curriculum for Teacher-Training in the Oregon-Washington Conference of the Evangelical United Brethren Church, Robert D. Bennett


A Study of the Mosaic Sacrifices to Discover Their Primary Meaning and Typical Significance, Donald Bletscher


A Study of the Mosaic Sacrifices to Discover their Primary Meaning and Typical Significance, Donald Bletscher


A Comparative Study of the Views Concerning the Antichrist as Held by Joseph A. Seiss, William E. Blackstone, and Arno C. Gaebelein, Arthur Cobb


A Comparative Study of the Views Concerning the Antichrist as Held by Joseph A. Seiss, William E. Blackstone, and Arno C. Gaebelein, Arthur Cobb


A Critical Study of the Problem of Religious Authority within Western Christendom, Carl-Reid Duhrkoop


An Interpretation of the Problem of Christian Liberty within the Realm of Law, Gerald Gardner


A History of the Northwest Washington Holiness Association and Camp Meeting Ferndale, Washington - 1902 - 1952, Wayne Kildall


A History of the Northwest Washington Holiness Association and Camp Meeting: Ferndale, Washington - 1902-1952, Wayne F. Kildall


A Comparative Study of Views on Prayer as Held by E. M. Bounds, Andrew Murray, and George Arthur Buttrick, Howard W. Perry


A Comparative Study of Views on Prayer as Held by E.M. Bounds, Andrew Murray and George Arthur Buttrick, Howard W. Perry


A Comparative Study of the Problem of Evil as Set Forth in the Views of John W. Fletcher, Edgar Sheffield Brightman, and Edwin Lewis, Norman A. Riggins


An Investigation and Evaluation of Bishop William Taylor's Missionary Methods, Arthur Thomas Shelton


An Investigation and Evaluation of Bishop William Taylor's Missionary Methods, Arthur Thomas Shelton


A Survey of Representative Sermonic Approaches in Preaching the Doctrines of Divine Love and Divine Wrath, Roger Swaren


A Survey of Representative Sermonic Approaches in Preaching the Doctrines of Divine Love and Divine Wrath, Roger Brandon Swaren


A Study of the Missionary Call as Found in the Acts of the Apostles and in Modern Missionary Biography, Leo Thornton


A Study of the Missionary Call as Found in the Acts of the Apostles and in Modern Missionary Biography, Leo Maze Thornton


A History of the Clark County Holiness Association Vancouver, Washington, Leonard Weinert


A History of the Clark County Holiness Association: Vancouver, Washington, Leonard Eugene Weinert


A Study of the Contribution of the Hymn to the Worship Service, C. Auburn Witt


A Biblical Study of Man in His Relationship to the Image of God, Mildred Wynkoop


A Biblical Study of Man in His Relationsihp to the Image of God, Mildred Bangs Wynkoop

Theses/Dissertations from 1951


A Study of the Epistle to the Hebrews in the Light of the Basic Principles of Biblical Typology, F. Clifford Johnson


A Study of the Epistle to the Hebrews in the Light of the Basic Principles of Biblical Typology, F. Clifford Johnson


A New Testament Study of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit with Special Reference to the Wesleyan Doctrine of Entire Sanctification, Oliver Raymond Ketterling


A Study of the Wesleyan Doctrine of Entire Sanctification in the Light of the Apostle Paul's Use of the Term "Flesh" (Sarx), Bern Madison Warren


A Study of the Wesleyan Doctrine of Entire Sanctification in the Light of the Apostle Paul's Use of the Term "Flesh", Bern Madison Warren


A Study of the Church School Methods in the Oregon-Washington Conference of the Evangelical United Brethren Church in the Light of Modern Educational Procedure, Wesley Lawrence Wildermuth


A Study of the Church School Methods in the Oregon-Washington Conference of the Evangelical United Brethren Church in the Light of Modern Educational Procedure, Wesley Lawrence Wildermuth

Theses/Dissertations from 1950


The Extent and Influences of the Holiness Revival in America, 1860-1900, Robert D. Bletscher


A Comparative Study of Some Modern Views of Divine Healing as They Relate Themselves to the Holy Scriptures, Austin Chamberlain


A Comparative Study of Some Modern Views of Divine Healing as They Relate Themselves to the Holy Scriptures, Austin Albert Chamberlain


A Study of the Doctrine of the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament as Related to Old Testament Religious Experience, Walter D. Elmer


A Study of the Doctrine of the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament as Related to the Old Testament Religious Experience, Walter D. Elmer


A Critical Study of the Doctrine of Revelation as Held by Three Contemporary American Theologians -- Georgia Harkness, Nels F.S. Ferré, and Edwin Lewis -- In the Light of the Wesleyan View, Paul Marvin Hayden


A Study of Two Early Theologians at Drew Theological Seminary: Randolph S. Foster and John Miley, Paul Gerhadt Hvidding


A Study of Two Early Theologians at Drew Theological Seminary: Randolph S. Foster and John Miley, Paul Gerhardt Hvidding


A Study of the Relation of Christian Conduct to Christian Experience in the Light of Biblical Truth and Selected Biographical and Autobiographical Data, Kenneth Koth


A Study of the Relation of Christian Conduct to Christian Experience in the Light of Biblical Truth and Selected Biographical and Autobiographical Data, Kenneth K. Koth


The Function of the Minister in the Religious Education Program of the Local Church, Lyman L. Myers


The Function of the Minister in the Religious Education Program of the Local Church, Lyman L. Myers


A Comparative Study of the Doctrine of the Holy Spirit as Taught by the National Holiness Association and by the Pentecostal Bodies, Henry John Vix


A Study of Significant Fulfilled Prophecies in the History of Israel from the Time of Moses to the Fall of Jerusalem in 586 B.C., Roland R. Walkes


A Study of Significant Fulfilled Prophecies in the History of Israel from the Time of Moses to the Fall of Jerusalem in 586 B.C., Roland R. Wilkes

Theses/Dissertations from 1949


The Early Quaker Doctrine of Communion in the Light of the New Testament, Mahlon Leroy


The Early Quaker Doctrine of Communion in the Light of the New Testament, Mahlon LeRoy Macy

Theses/Dissertations from 1928


Behaviorism: An Exposition and Critical Examination, Philip S. Clapp