The Concern of Evangelical Friends for the Fellowship of the Gospel Among All Friends, April 1962
Arthur O. Roberts Editor
"To Go or Not To Go"
"Kansas Yearly Meeting," Author: Sheldon G. Jackson, President Friends Bible College, Haviland, Kansas. Author of a History of Kansas Yearly Meeting, published in 1946.
"Who Speaks for Friends?" Author: Keith Sarver
"Quaker Seminars in Oregon," Author: Frederick B. Baker, Superintendent, Portland Quarterly Meeting.
"The Sixth Conference," Author: Charles Ball, Publicity Director.
"... Among Friends"
"The Bookshelf"
The Concern of Evangelical Friends for the Fellowship of the Gospel Among All Friends, January 1962
Arthur O. Roberts Editor
"Malone 1962"
"The Birth of California Yearly Meeting," Author: Eugene Coffin
"Survival Kit," Author: Jack L. Willcuts, Editor, Northwest Friend
"Piety Promoted"
"... Among Friends"
The Concern of Evangelical Friends for the Fellowship of the Gospel Among All Friends, July 1962
Arthur O. Roberts Editor
"To Reflect and To Hope," Author: Gerald Dillon, President, Association of Evangelical Friends.
"Youth Emphasis"
"Youth, The Friends Church and Outreach," Author: Ronald D. Woodward, Youth Secretary, California Yearly Meeting.
"Friends Youth and the Friends Church," Author: Lonny Fendall, President, Oregon Yearly Meeting Christian Endeavor.
"Friends Youth and the Church," Author: Fred Littlefield, Assistant to the Superintendent, Kansas Yearly Meeting.
"On Being Positive," Author: Reta Stuart
"Reflections From A Traveler's Notebook," Author: Fred Newkirk, Pastor, First Friends Church, Vancouver, Washington.
"The Constitution of the Association of Evangelical Friends"
The Concern of Evangelical Friends for the Fellowship of the Gospel Among All Friends, October 1962
Arthur O. Roberts Editor
"Malone.. A Postscript"
"Concern to Print Addresses"
"Association Elects Officers"
"Conference on Missions"
"Relevance of the Quaker Principle of Authority to Evangelism and Outreach," Author: Walter P. Lee, Superintendent, Rocky Mountain Yearly Meeting of Friends.
"Missions Workshop," Author: Chester G. Stanley, Superintendent, Ohio Yearly Meeting of Friends.
"Christ's Message to Friends," Author: Gerald Dillon, Minister of First Friends Church, Portland, Oregon.
"Friends Youth Leaders Meet"
"Book Reviews"
"The Oxford Annotated Bible"
"Friends Forward Movement"
"Evangelical Friends Conference Workshop on Youth," Author: Fred Littlefield, Assistant Superintendent of Kansas Yearly Meeting of Friends.
The Concern of Evangelical Friends for the Fellowship of the Gospel Among All Friends, April 1961
Arthur O. Roberts Editor
"Worship in the Friends Church"
"The Role of the Pastor in the Friends Church," Author: Kenneth Pitts, pastor Friendswood, Texas
"The Prayer Meeting," Author: Chester G. Stanley, General Superintendent Ohio Yearly Meeting.
"Help Us to Praise," Author: Genevieve B. Cole, organist and member First Friends Church, Portland, Oregon.
"...Among Friends"
The Concern of Evangelical Friends for the Fellowship of the Gospel Among All Friends, January 1961
Arthur O. Roberts Editor
"Paul the Optimist"
"Biblical Inspiration .. a Forum: The Christological Approach to the Inspiration and Authority of Scripture," Author: Stephen B. Ross, Pastor Paonia Friends Church, Paonia, Colorado.
"Hath God Said?" Author: Charles S. Ball
"Youth in East Asia," Author: Edwin Hinshaw, Youth Advisor, East Africa Yearly Meeting.
"... Among Friends"
"A Friends Summer Seminary," Author: Gerald W. Dillon, President, Association of Evangelical Friends.
"Notes on Theology," Author: Raymond V. Breaker, Minister First Friends Church, Anderson, Indiana, and Presiding Clerk, Indiana Yearly Meeting.
"Book Reviews"
The Concern of Evangelical Friends for the Fellowship of the Gospel Among All Friends, July 1961
Arthur O. Roberts Editor
"Evangelical Unity Among Friends"
"Book Reviews"
"Revival and the Holy Spirit," Author: Everett L. Cattell, President of Malone College.
"Rockcleft Postponed"
"Off to Camp," Author: Lonny Fendall, president Oregon Yearly Meeting Christian Endeavor.
"...Among Friends"
The Concern of Evangelical Friends for the Fellowship of the Gospel Among All Friends, October 1961
Arthur O. Roberts Editor
"Ohio Yearly Meeting--An Historical Resume," Author: Amos Henry, Associate Professor History and Bible, Malone, College.
"The Bonds of Unity Among Friends," Author: Gerald Dillon, President Association of Evangelical Friends.
"Strengthening Our Bonds of Unity," Author: Edward Escolme, Pastor Damascus, Ohio Friends Church.
"Inward Impressions," Author: Weston F. Cox
"Book Review"
The Concern of Evangelical Friends for the Fellowship of the Gospel Among All Friends, Fall 1960
Arthur O. Roberts Editor
"The Association of Evangelicals--Our Task," Author: Gerald Dillon, President
"Which Way to Zion?"
"Our Role in the Lamb's War," Author: T. Canby Jones, Professor of Religion, Wilmington College
"...Among Friends"
"The Five Years Meeting---Two Evaluations," Author: T. Eugene Coffin, Pastor Alamitos Friends Church, Garden Grove, California.
"The Biblical Background of Prayer," Author: Gervas A. Carey
"Notes on Theology," Author: Raymond V. Breaker, Minister First Friends Church, Anderson, Indiana, and Presiding Clerk, Indiana Yearly Meeting.
"An Engaged People"
The Concern of Evangelical Friends for the Fellowship of the Gospel Among All Friends, Spring 1960
Arthur O. Roberts Editor
"Easter""The Association of Evangelical Friends"
"A Challenge to Evangelical Friends," Author: T. Eugene Coffin, Pastor Alamitos Friends Church, Garden Grove, California.
"...Among Friends"
"The Evangelical Commentary," Author: Charles Ball
"Notes on Scripture," Author: Verlin Hinshaw, Professor of Bible, Friends University
"A Cup of Water"
The Concern of Evangelical Friends for the Fellowship of the Gospel Among All Friends, Summer 1960
Arthur O. Roberts Editor
"The Five Year's Meeting...A Reflection"
"The Witnessing Church"
"Friends At Camp," Author: Jack L. Willcuts
"Notes on Scripture," Author: Verlin Hinshaw, Professor of Bible, Friends University
"Some Recent Friends Books"
"...Among Friends"
"Points to Ponder"
"Seed Thoughts"
"Love," Author: Clyde Edwin Tuck
The Concern of Evangelical Friends For the Fellowship of the Gospel Among All Friends, Winter 1960
Arthur O. Roberts Editor
"...Among Friends"
"The Historical Roots of Evangelical Friends," Author: Charles A. Beals, Executive Director, Friendsview Manor, Newberg, Oregon.
"Evangelical Friends Mission," Author: Gerald Dillon
The Concern of Evangelical Friends for the Fellowship of the Gospel Among All Friends, Fall 1959
Arthur O. Roberts Editor
"Until the Canton Conference"
"Among Friends"
"Passion for Unity: A Critical Survey of Contemporary Quakerdom," Author: Everett L. Cattell
"How Beautiful Upon the Mountains," Author: Gerald Dillon
The Concern of Evangelical Friends for the Fellowship of the Gospel Among All Friends, June 1959
Arthur O. Roberts Editor
"Who Is An Evangelical Friend?"
"Conference At Newberg"
"Visitation Among Friends"
"Information Concerning The Conference"
"The Beginnings Of Faith," Author: Jack L. Willcuts, editor The Northwest Friend.
"Notes on Scripture," Author: Verlin Hinshaw, Professor of Bible, Friends University, Wichita, Kansas.
"The Task Of Christian Education," (This message by Arthur O. Roberts was first given at the sessions of California's midyear meeting, February. 1959)
"Through Flaming Sword"
"The Old Testament Reveals the New," Author: T. Canby Jones, Professor of Religion, Wilmington College, Wilmington, Ohio.
"Gerald Dillon Speaks"
The Concern of Evangelical Friends for the Fellowship of the Gospel Among All Friends, Spring 1959
Arthur O. Roberts Editor
"What is the Concern?"
"By My Spirit"
"The Vision of Wholeness"
"Notes on Scripture The Church of Loadicea," Author: Verlin Hinshaw, Professor of Bible, Friends University, Wichita, Kansas.
"Copies of the Constitution Available"
"Our Evangelical Heritage"
"Gerald Dillon on Milestones," Author: Gerald Dillon, President of the Association of Evangelical Friends and Pastor, First Friends Church, Portland, Oregon.
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