"Youth Ministry Curriculum Developing Korean American Youth's Christ-Ce" by Jonathan Hyung Lee

Date of Award


Document Type

Project Portfolio

Degree Name

Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives (DLd)



First Advisor

Rebecca Jeong, PhD

Second Advisor

Karen Tremper, PhD

Third Advisor

Jason Swan Clark, DMin, PhD


In this Project Portfolio, I will address the following NPO: High school students growing up in Korean American immigrant churches need a culturally and ethnically reflective youth curriculum to help them grow in their Christ-centered identity. The overall insight from this research is that there is a lack of youth pastors and youth directors available for the emerging second and third-generation Korean American youths who want to grow in their faith and identity. Although they have attended church since birth, they are growing up without a proper spiritual mentoring relationship that can help them become deeply rooted in faith. They need a youth-focused curriculum that will help them develop their critical thinking skills, encourage them to dive into their faith, and discover their God-given identity. As the president of Streamside Ministry (www.streamsidewest.org) and lead pastor of a young adult ministry, the focus of my ministry is second and third-generation Korean American NextGen discipleship and leadership development. This Project Portfolio is a 7-week youth curriculum (includes a leader’s guide and student worksheet) focusing on helping youths who are growing up in KAIC (Korean American Immigrant Church) settings. It will be free to be downloaded and available to be used by any youth pastors or youth directors serving in a youth mentorship role in these Korean American immigrant churches all over America. This will serve as the first prototype model to pave the way for all future relevant issues and topics to help Korean American NextGen ministries to thrive.
