"Project-Based Internationalization: Providing Accessible and Equitable" by Kayli Hillebrand

Date of Award


Document Type

Project Portfolio

Degree Name

Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives (DLd)



First Advisor

Rebecca Jeong, PhD

Second Advisor

Karen Tremper, PhD

Third Advisor

Jason Swan Clark, DMin, PhD


Inequitable access to global education has long excluded populations of students that are unable to participate in models that require travel away from their home institution. This is especially felt at institutions with a Hispanic Serving Institute (HSI) designation. Factors that contribute towards this end are varying familial and economic systems, financial models, lack of accessible educational accommodations when not at the home institution, mobility restrictions at the host institution, student ability to travel or obtain proper documentation to travel at the state, federal, or international government levels. Considering inequitable access to global education for university students, embedding Project-Based Internationalization provides a modality for high-impact education that is available for all. If implemented, the students, faculty and the institution at large would demonstrate quantifiable outcomes related to contextualized academic achievement, student-driven equitable education, international pedagogy, and increased cross-cultural competencies. Project-Based Internationalization (PBI) is the deliberate integration of intercultural and global components into faculty-guided projects in which students engage in solution-based strategies to real world problems. Designed to be inter- and cross-disciplinary in nature, students and faculty across all academic disciplines can engage in leveraging their curriculum to meet several academic and institutional goals through one program. These discipline specific programs provide equitable access for all students to engage in real-time global relationships, expand their cross-cultural skillsets, and develop solution-based strategies to current global issues. This high-impact practice is no longer only reserved for those participating in traditional methods of international education but rather leverages the globalized world and advanced technology to combine any academic discipline with experiential education. This comprehensive co-curricular guide is designed for those in Christian higher education to design and implement Project-Based Internationalization programs across academic disciplines that can be scalable and customizable, tailoring programs to their specific populations, contexts, disciplines, and needs.
