Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Ministry (DMin)



First Advisor

Josh Sweeden

Second Advisor

Darrell Peregrym


The topic for this dissertation is the historical relationship between unfolding movements and leaders and the institutional church. Within this frame, the focus is the Church of the Nazarene as an institution, and the church’s relationship with its young and unfolding clergy outliers. Outliers are defined as individuals who do not identify with the center of the institution and instead are marginalized to the fringes based on their unique call as innovators (apostles), igniters (prophets), and influencers (evangelists). The Church of the Nazarene is failing to disciple its outliers. The question is, how can the Church of the Nazarene better identify, equip, and engage its outliers? Outliers who have been affirmed in their vocational calling/gifting, who have established deep relationships through practical ministry that presents risk, trial, failure, success, and growth, and who have been intentionally disciple, offer a generative influence to renew and sustain the movement of the church. This research proposes that the Church of the Nazarene provide this kind of intentional discipleship process for young and unfolding clergy outliers.

Chapter one, Dying to Fit, provides the context for the relationship of the institutional church and unfolding movements, giving a detailed definition of the outlier typology. Chapter two, Fit for Dying, considers organizational lifecycles, paying particular attention to the Church of the Nazarene. Chapter three, From Dying to Living, seeks to anchor the conversation, and consequently the solution, in the evaluation, critique and re-imagination of the ecclesiology of the Church of the Nazarene. Chapter four, Chaordic Living, provides a theoretical framework for an intentional discipleship process built on these elements of discipleship: leadership development, chaordic theory, and implementation of a sanctified imagination. Chapter five, From Living to Living in Perpetuity, builds the argument and an outline for a solution found in an intentional discipleship process. This process creates space for outliers utilizing the sociological process of liminality and communitas. The conclusion reflects the ecclesiological heart of the argument, reminding pastors and leaders of the generative resurrection power that brings life from death. And, because the institution of the church is a people, not only is this power available, it is already at work through the indwelling power and presence of the Holy Spirit.

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Christianity Commons
