Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Ministry (DMin)



First Advisor

Daniel Brunner, DPhil

Second Advisor

Diane Zemke, PhD

Third Advisor

Tricia Gates Brown, PhD


People, in their depths of being, long to escape the noise, pain, confusion, and emptiness that pervade life. Beyond the internal wars of an individual are the wars between neighbors, families, cultures, and nations; even within and between congregations and denominations. There is an extensive need to cultivate the human capacity to bring relational depth to the whole of life, including one’s own self. The thesis of this dissertation maintains that to cultivate contemplative availability in loving union with God nurtures loving availability to self and others. Section 1 defines the problem as it is displayed, throughout society and the Church, in issues such as spiritual hunger and frustration, depression, suicide, and life dissatisfaction. Section 2 interacts with a variety of approaches to the Christian journey, including personal Bible study, spiritual disciplines, spirituality, centering prayer, and relational journey. Particular focus is given to the sense of “atmosphere” these approaches create. Section 3 develops the thesis that to cultivate contemplative availability in loving union with God nurtures loving availability to self and others. This section explores biblical, historical, and current expressions of contemplative availability, elevates a “theology of availability,” and demonstrates the psychological and sociological effects of cultivating availability. Section 4 shows that the book proposal, Simply Available, creates an atmosphere that brings relational depth to life by cultivating the capacity of a person’s whole being to say, “Because I am simply available to abundant possibilities in relationship with life, I am completely here, keenly aware, deeply attuned, and full of wonder.” Section 5 provides a detailed proposal for the book, with sample chapters included in the dissertation’s back matter. Section 6 tells the story of the writing of the dissertation and the author’s personal journey throughout the writing process, which ultimately led to the creation of Simply Available.

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Christianity Commons
